Title: Visiting Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 233
Title: Associate Professor of Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 217
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building G18
Title: Assistant Professor, Director of MSPP Program, Co-Director of Center for Urban Research
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 317
Title: Director, OMED: Educational Services
Office Phone: 404.894.8746
Office Location: Chapin Building
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 365
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 310
Title: Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith G07
Title: Associate Vice Provost, GEFD
Office Phone:
Office Location: A French 112A
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 217
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich Building 131
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 238
Title: Associate Professor & Director - GT Honors Program
Office Phone:
Office Location: Armstrong 005
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 319
Title: Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: TSRB 124
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering Building, 221 Bobby Dodd Way
Title: Associate Professor, Director of Philosophy Minor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 316
Title: Associate Professor of History
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 106
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor and Co-Director for the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Ph.D. Student, Lecturer
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor and Director of Computational Media
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: TSRB 317
Title: Director of Graduate Research Ethics Programs
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 214
Title: Lecturer
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 143
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 318
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 150
Title: Director of French Program, Professor of French
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 225
Title: Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 145
Title: Assistant Professor
Office Phone: 937-462-0778
Office Location: Coda, E1654B
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich Computing Center (257)
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 215
Title: Distinguished Professor of the Practice and CETS Senior Fellow
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: 224 Old CE Building
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Affiliate-Instruct/Counseling
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE 135
Title: Regents' Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 312
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 309
Title: Associate Professor, Interim Director of Doctoral Programs
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emerita
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Director of Master's Programs, Associate Director of Academic Programs
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich Computing 308
Title: Lecturer of Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 233
Title: Senior Lecturer of Korean
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor, Director of the Poetry@Tech Program, and Margaret T. and Henry C. Bourne Chair
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 028, Poetry@Tech
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer of Russian
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 332
Title: Associate Professor of Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 214
Title: Lecturer of Technical Communication
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 307
Title: Professor & Co-Director, WST Center
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 364
Title: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor of Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 224
Title: Professor Emerita of German
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor of French
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 215
Title: Professor Emerita
Office Phone:
Office Location: Off campus
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Kranzberg Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: G120
Title: Interim Director and Associate Director, GT Honors Program
Office Phone: 404.385.7533
Office Location: Honors Program, Eighth Street Apartments West, Room 007
Title: Professor Emerita
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 344
Title: Senior Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles Classroom Building
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Academic Professional and Associate Director of Poetry @ Tech
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Scheller 4164
Title: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 221
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 210
Title: Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Architecture 204
Title: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 152
Title: Executive Director, Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Home Unit: Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering Building 323
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 358
Title: Research Scientist II
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone: (404) 894-7627
Office Location: Skiles 347
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 118
Title: Distinguished Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Affiliate-Former Emp Research
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building G17
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 121
Title: Chinese Program Director, Associate Professor of Chinese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 311
Title: Senior Academic Professional and Director of DramaTech
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 312 or DramaTech
Title: Dean's Distinguished Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 307B
Title: Principal Academic Professional and Director of Writing and Communication
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Stephen C. Hall Building 112
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 316
Title: Senior Lecturer of French
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann Building 232
Title: Professor Emerita of Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 140
Title: Senior Lecturer of Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 233
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building G19
Title: Visiting Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone: 470-662-0297
Office Location: Stephen C. Hall
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor of Russian
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 318
Title: Senior Academic Professional
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 112
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: OCE 208
Title: Regents Professor and Professor of International Affairs and Computing
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 302
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Visiting Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: OCE 205
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 363
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Creative Director, CoLab Director & Arts Faculty
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich 219
Title: Lecturer
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering G-16
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Senior Lecturer of Chinese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 333
Title: Academic Professional for Undergraduate Research Writing
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 362
Title: H. Bruce McEver Professor in Engineering and the Liberal Arts
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith G04
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Adjunct Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Academic Professional
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Bldg, G42
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering 136
Title: Class of 1958 Professor in Communication and Executive Director of Writing and Communication
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor of French
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 226
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 212
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Faculty Athletics Representative
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 153
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Chair, Director of German Program, Associate Professor of German
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Academic Professional and Director, Naugle Communication Center
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 140
Title: Director of Russian Program, Professor of Russian
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann
Title: Associate Professor of Japanese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 315
Title: Lecturer of Korean
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor of Korean
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone: 404-385-5972
Office Location: Swann 309
Title: Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith G05A
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 301
Title: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich 309b
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 320
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 116
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles Classroom Building
Title: Distinguished Professor the Practice
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building G24
Title: Senior Lecturer of German
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 232
Title: Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 303
Title: Kranzberg Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Retired, living in Paris, France
Title: Research Scientist II
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emerita of Linguistics and Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer of French
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 233
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer of German & French
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 232
Title: Senior Lecturer of Korean
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: SWANN 333
Title: Retired Associate Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith G03
Title: Visiting Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 341
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 322
Title: Associate Dean for Research and Outreach, Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich 221
Title: Lecturer of Chinese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 309
Title: Interim Chair, Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 218
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 219
Title: Interim Associate Chair, Mary S. and Richard B. Inman, Jr. Professor of Economics
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor of Chinese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 312
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: 206E Swann
Title: Distinguished Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: OCE G07A
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: TSRB 318A
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 122
Title: School Chair, Charles Smithgall Jr. Institute Chair, and Professor of German
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer of Portuguese & Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Digital Media
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: TSRB 319
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 320
Title: Part-Time Lecturer
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 141
Title: Director of Japanese Program, Professor of Japanese & Linguistics
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 316
Title: Professor, Director of MSEEM Program
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 308
Title: Lecturer of Japanese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 332
Title: Professor Emeritus
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Visting Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Academic Program Manager I
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 315
Title: Professor, Homer C. Rice Chair in Sports and Society; ADVANCE Professor, Ivan Allen College
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 123
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Visiting Lecturer, Co-Director of the Law, Science & Technology Program
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone: (404) 894-8045
Office Location: Rich Building, 247
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering G24
Title: Regents Researcher Emeritus, Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Home Unit: Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: IPST Building
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 223
Title: Principal Research Scientist
Home Unit: Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: IPST 314
Title: Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 342
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 147
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 302
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Distinguished Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: TSRB 320A
Title: Associate Professor and Director of Master's Programs
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 206
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Regents' Professor Emerita
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: TSRB 316B
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 103
Title: Distinguished Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 102
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Senior Lecturer of Korean
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 333
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 223
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 231
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 332
Title: Regents Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 119
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 209
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone: 912-433-4713
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering Building, 116
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Atlanta Review Editor and Director of Creative Writing Curricula
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 332
Title: Part-Time Lecturer
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 137
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 323
Title: School Chair, Professor of Writing and Communication
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emerita of German and former Chair of Modern Languages
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Regents Researcher
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor of Spanish
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 313
Title: Professor and Associate Chair
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 311
Title: Distinguished Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 321
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 315
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE 219
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emerita
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering (OCE) - G17
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 149
Title: Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 153
Title: Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 124
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor Emeritus
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 335B
Title: Adjunct Instructor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Research Associate II-LT
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Part-Time Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich Building
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 322
Title: Professor Emerita of Japanese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor Emeritus of Spanish
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Adjunct Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Senior Research Engineer
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Chair and Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building
Title: Faculty Co-Director, Leadership in Progress and Service Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Julius C. "Bud" Shaw Professor of Sports History
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building G21
Title: Visiting Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Director, Undergraduate Academic Advising and Transition
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer, Georgia Tech Lorraine
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Georgia Tech Lorraine
Title: Sam Nunn School Chair and Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 203
Title: School Chair, Tom and Marie Patton Chair, and Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 107B
Title: Senior Lecturer of Japanese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 332
Title: Senior Lecturer of French
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 232
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 208
Title: Associate Professor, Co-Director of GTDC Program
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 310
Title: Professor Emeritus
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 350
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Anderson Interface Chair of Natural Systems
Office Phone:
Office Location: Groseclose 415
Title: Professor and School Chair
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Principal Academic Professional and Director of Film and Media
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles 351
Title: Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 150
Title: Professor of History, School of History and Sociology
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: 117 Old CE
Title: Research Scientist II
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: TSRB - 316
Title: Academic Professional, Undergraduate Teaching Coordinator, Econ Club and ODE Advisor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering, Room 237
Title: Professor Emeritus
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 217
Title: Interim Dean, Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: Skiles
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building G20
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 201
Title: Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 215
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 148
Title: Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor of Japanese
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location: Swann 314
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 218
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 137
Title: Distinguished Professor of the Practice and CISTP Senior Fellow
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: TSRB 3rd Floor, Digital Media
Title: Associate Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Professor
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 146
Title: Lecturer
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Programs
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Visiting Lecturer
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Academic Professional
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE 217
Title: Regents Professor of Science Fiction Studies
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Professor and Neal Family Chair
Home Unit: Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 212B
Title: Academic Professional
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Assistant Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Ford ES&T 2228
Title: Assistant Professor
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location: