Meet Binky, The Social Media App Where Nothing Matters

Posted August 11, 2017

External Article: NPR

Ian Bogost, professor in the Georgia Tech School of Literature, Media, and Communication, was mentioned in an article in NPR “Meet Binky, The Social Media App Where Nothing Matters’”


Binky is a social networking app without socializing, and yet, Binky may be "even more" satisfying than real social media apps like Twitter or Instagram, writes Ian Bogost, a contributing editor at The Atlantic.

He says Binky may even cure the ills of smartphone compulsion: a way to use smartphones without doing anything at all. "Isn't that all anyone really wants?" Bogost asks.

Or maybe it's yet another reminder of how entrenched we are in this digital world and, try as we might, we can't escape.

For the full article, read here.

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Ian Bogost