Carol Senf


Member Of:
  • School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Location: Skiles 335B
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 3 - 4
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Personal Pronouns:
she, her, hers

Dr. Carol Senf received her PhD in Victorian Studies from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1979 and came to Georgia Tech in 1981. Currently Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech, Senf has published articles on Victorian literature in BRANCH: Britain, Representation and Nineteenth-Century History, English Literature in Transition, 1880 – 1920, Gothic Studies, Victorian Studies,College English, and Victorians Institute Journal. Her books include Science and Social Science in Bram Stoker's Fiction (Greenwood, 2002) and Dracula: Between Tradition and Modernism (Twayne, 1998), which won the Lord Ruthven Assembly award for best non-fiction in 1998. An annotated edition of Bram Stoker's Lady Athlyne was published by The Desert Island Dracula Press in 2007 and an annotated edition of Stoker's Mystery of the Sea was published by Valancourt Press in 2007. Bram Stoker was published by the University of Wales Press in 2010. She also collaborated with Sherri Brown and Ellen Stockstill on A Research Guide to Gothic Literature in English: Print and Electronic Sources (2018).