Major Research Area: Studies Abroad

  • Justin B. Biddle

    Title: Associate Professor, Director of Philosophy Minor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 316

  • Kirk Bowman

    Title: Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Habersham 145

  • Kelly Comfort

    Title: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor of Spanish

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 224

  • Bettina Cothran

    Title: Professor Emerita of German

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Nora Cottille-Foley

    Title: Associate Professor of French

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 215

  • Lionel Gall

    Title: Senior Lecturer of French

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann Building 232

  • Vicki Galloway

    Title: Professor Emerita of Spanish

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 212

  • Danielle Geary

    Title: Coordinator of Spanish Program, Senior Lecturer of Spanish, Minor Advisor for Spanish

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 233

  • Yi-Hsien Stephanie Ho

    Title: Coordinator of Chinese Program, Senior Lecturer of Chinese

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 333

  • Christophe Ippolito

    Title: Professor of French

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 226

  • Andrea Jonsson

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Britta Kallin

    Title: Associate Professor of German, Associate Chair

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Kenneth Knoespel

    Title: Professor Emeritus

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 116

  • Jong Hyun Lee

    Title: Senior Lecturer of Korean

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: SWANN 333

  • Kyoko Masuda

    Title: Director of Japanese Program, Professor of Japanese & Linguistics

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 316

  • Michael Nitsche

    Title: Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 316B

  • Juan Rodriguez

    Title: Associate Professor of Spanish

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Swann 313

  • Sonia Serafin

    Title: Adjunct Instructor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: