Gordon Kingsley

Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

Member Of:
  • School of Public Policy
  • Technology Policy and Assessment Center
Fax Number:404-385-0504
Office Location: DM Smith G05A
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Gordon Kingsley is a Professor in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech.  Dr. Kingsley teaches classes in public management, policy implementation, STEM education policy, and theories of public policy.  Dr. Kingsley’s research examines the development and implementation of effective partnerships across the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Current research projects explore the impacts of partnerships on organization structure and the development and allocation of scientific and technical human capital. This work is currently being conducted in two policy domains examining the following: 1) education with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education; and 2) transportation with a focus on privatization and contracting amongst engineering organizations and agencies.

His research appears in journals such as the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Policy Studies Journal, Public Administration Review, Public Organization Review, Public Performance and Management Review, Research Policy, Research Evaluation, Review of Public Personnel Administration, State and Local Government Review, Journal of Technology Transfer, and Evaluation and Program Planning.  He has served as a consultant or researcher for the National Science Foundation, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Research Council, the Office of Technology Policy in the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Office of Science in the U.S. Department of Energy, a Science Advisory Board of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USNet (a consortium of 15 state economic development agencies promoting manufacturing networks), the Ohio Department of Development, the Georgia Department of Transportation, Cosmos Corporation, and the Enterprise Innovation Institute at Georgia Tech.

  • Ph.D., Syracuse University, Public Administration
  • M.S., Columbia University, International Affairs
  • B.A., American University, International Affairs and Economics