Advisory Board

The Ivan Allen College Advisory Board provides advice to the dean regarding priorities and directions for liberal arts and social science education and research. Board members are from the private sector and academia and include both alumni and other individuals who are interested in the success of Georgia Tech.

Board Members

Blurb / Gallery Set


Amy Phuong (Chair)

INTA 2005, MBA 2014 
Vice President, Government Relations
Atlanta Hawks & State Farm Arena

Gene Kansas headshot

Eugene “Gene” Kansas (Vice Chair)

M.S. DM 2016
Founder and President
Gene Kansas | Commercial Real Estate

Kobi Abayomi

Kobi Abayomi

PUBP, IE 2000
Head of Science
Gumbel Demand Acceleration


H. Inman Allen

(Emeritus Member)

Retired Chairman & CEO
Ivan Allen Company


Ivan Allen IV

Director of Enterprise Business Development
Staples Contract and Commercial

Goldie K. Gabriel

Goldie Gabriel Headshot

IE 2001
Golden Path


Hubert L. “Herky” Harris, Jr.

IM 1965
Harris Plantation


Douglas R. Hooker

ME 1978, M.S. TSP 1985
Chief Executive Officer
Atlanta Connector Park


James B. Langford

Chairman and Founder
Georgia Prevention Project


H. Bruce McEver

IE 1966
Chairman Emeritus
Berkshire Global Advisors

Photo of man named W. Allen Morris wearing a black jacket, light pink shirt, and navy blue tie with a print on it.

W. Allen Morris

MGT 1975
Chairman and CEO
Allen Morris Company

Joseph B. Owens, Jr

ECON 1977
Chief Financial Officer
Indego Africa

Beverly Seay

Beverly Seay

Southeast Regional Director
National Security Innovation Network

Amanda Shailendra

Amanda Shailendra

M.S. INTA 2005
Managing Partner
The Pendleton Group


R. Hoke Smart

HTS 2000
Chief Financial Officer
Windsor Built Homes

Haywood Solomon

Haywood Solomon

IM 1970
HFS Management Consultants

Operating Partner
Promise Holdings Investment Group


John M. Stern

Methods Workshop, LLC

photo of kevin widmaier

Kevin Widmaier

PUBP 2008
Partner and Head of Portfolio Management
BBR Partners

Ex-officio Student Members

Blurb / Gallery Set

Taylor Witte

Taylor Witte

IAC Ambassador Representative 
Undergraduate Student
Degree: B.S. in Economics and Mathematics

Zhuoqi Helen Dong

Zhuoqi Helen Dong

President, Graduate Student Advisory Board
Graduate Student
Degree: Ph.D. in International Affairs, Science, and Technology


Aubrey Ward

Aubrey Ward

President, Undergraduate Student Advisory Board
Undergraduate Student
Degree: B.S. in International Affairs and Modern Languages-Spanish