Undergraduate Programs

What Would I Study?

Our students study the humanities, the natural and social sciences, computing, and technology. Whether learning about race and gender in politics; science and technology policy; cultures and languages; national security; political economy; foreign direct investment; film production; or user experience, app and game design, you'll examine issues from a scientific and technological perspective, learn how to think critically, to define, evaluate, and analyze, and explore impacts on society, culture, and policy. That technology lens, along with the basic computing and math requirements for Georgia Tech undergraduates, provide a foundation that allows you to understand and work effectively with those in technology-based disciplines during your work here and, ultimately, in your career.

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What Are My Career Choices?

Liberal arts studies afford students the widest range of career choices. These include law, medicine, business, finance, education, public health, government service, management and consulting, non-profit administration, marketing, journalism, policy analysis, user experience and user interaction design and many more. Use our exploration tool below to find which majors, minors, and other offerings support your career goals.

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Minors and Certificates

Many students complement their major with minor and/or certificate programs. These programs broaden knowledge in non-major disciplines, develop skills around an area of interest, and expand potential for success in the student's chosen endeavors. Minors are posted on your final transcript.

Minor Requirements: Most require 15 hours of course work with at least 12 hours at the 3000 level or higher

Certificate requirements: Certificate programs require 12 hours of course work with six hours at the 3000 level or higher

Consult an advisor in the school offering the minor or certificate to plan appropriate courses and ensure that you meet all requirements. Our full list of minors and certificates are in the chart above. You may also browse this on our individual school websites.

Courses with a Focus on Gender and/or Race

Race and gender issues are foundational for much of the teaching, research, programs, and public engagement in the College, in alignment with our mission and our commitment to the legacy of namesake Ivan Allen Jr. Race and gender studies are integrated into more than 130 courses in our six schools. In some cases, this focus is evident from the course title. Find out if a course that interests you covers race and gender issues by checking the description in the Georgia Tech Course Catalog(link is external), or by asking an advisor in the school offering the course.

Contact An Advisor

''Need more details on a program? Can’t decide on a major? Consulting with an advisor in the College can help you sort through the options. Start by contacting the advisor in a program you think you’d like, and we’ll help you go from there.

Undergraduate Advisors