Our Commitment to a Diverse Community

The Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts embraces the values set forth in the Georgia Tech strategic plan — a welcoming, inclusive culture; mutual respect among faculty, staff, and students; and celebration of uniqueness in thought, background, perspectives, and intellectual pursuits. These values are inherent in all that we do and are set forth in the principles that guide our work.

  • Our policies and practices will demonstrate respect for all human beings, regardless of how those people may differ.
  • The rights of all people to function with dignity are crucial, whether we are interacting within this vibrant intellectual community or with others across our streets and around the globe.
  • We recognize that engendering a spirit of inclusiveness and respect and creating, thereby, a climate in which we can all thrive requires each of us to be socially conscious and culturally well-informed and to operate with a keen sense of ethical responsibility.
  • We believe that when we accept that human excellence has the capacity to emerge from many, many sources, a strong and enabling sense of community can be set in motion, a belief that makes quite real an enabling of our greatest expectations.

At Georgia Tech and in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, we expect high performance and world-class achievements in research, education, and public action, and we believe that with a welcoming culture, these expectations become not just possible but predictable and sustainable.

Our commitment to a diverse community is long-standing as part of our founding principles and Mayor Allen's legacy of social responsibility, social justice, and social courage.