Executive Leadership
Title: College Administrative Officer
Office Phone:
Office Location: Savant 169
Title: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 221
Title: Associate Dean for Research and Outreach, Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich 221
Title: Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Professor and Neal Family Chair
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 212B
School Chairs
Title: School Chair, Professor
Home Unit: School of Economics
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building, Room 208
Title: Professor and School Chair
Home Unit: School of History and Sociology
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Sam Nunn School Chair and Professor
Home Unit: School of International Affairs
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 203
Title: School Chair, Professor of Writing and Communication
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: School Chair, Charles Smithgall Jr. Institute Chair, and Professor of German
Home Unit: School of Modern Languages
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: School Chair, Tom and Marie Patton Chair, and Professor
Home Unit: School of Public Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 107B
Reserve Officers' Training Corp
Lieutenant Colonel Bradford MorganTitle: Commanding Officer and ROTC Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Army Reserve Officers Training Corps
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Lieutenant Colonel Kelly M. Sharbel IIITitle: Commanding Officer and ROTC Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Commanding Officer and ROTC Professor of the Practice
Home Unit: Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Center and Program Directors
Title: Executive Director, Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Home Unit: Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Class of 1958 Professor in Communication and Executive Director of Writing and Communication
Home Unit: School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Office Phone:
Office Location: