A Degree from Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Opens Doors
With a firm grounding in critical analysis and technology, our graduates have a diverse range of career options and unique skill sets. They enter positions with private companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations in fields such as economic development, education, financial advising, human resources, marketing, multimedia design, policy analysis, political consulting, public relations, and many more.
Average reported starting salary of Ivan Allen undergraduate alumni
The Computational Media program at Georgia Tech is continually evolving its curriculum to ensure students are prepared for industry upon graduation. Zynga has benefited from hiring graduates of their well-rounded program.
– Zynga, Social Game Company
We Help Prepare You for Success in the Job Market
The Ivan Allen College assists students in building an educational resume that supports their individual career goals. We help you explore the possibilities in your fields of study, gain confidence, and network effectively. Support ranges from Georgia Tech’s Career Center and the IAC Career Educators—which both work with students on internships and co-op placements; pre-professional programs in teaching, medicine, law, and dentistry; portfolio and careers courses; weekly workshops; and campus visits by Fortune 500 companies. Our IAC Career Educators will help you focus on the critical skills and programs that will support you in your journey to becoming successful professionals.
Kyle S. Poe

Where to Find Our Graduates
- Accenture
- Apple
- AT&T
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Carter Center
- Deloitte
- Delta Air Lines
- Department of Defense
- Department of Justice
- Federal Reserve of Atlanta
- Microsoft
- National Park Service
- SapientNitro
- Teach for America
- The Coca-Cola Company
- ThoughWorks
- Turner Broadcasting
- State Department
- Yahoo
- Zynga
What Can I Do With My Major?
A degree from the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts opens doors to a variety of careers in a range of fields. Graduates can begin career paths in both the private and public sectors, education, government and non-profit.
Find out what career options are available for your major:
Pre-Professional Programs
Georgia Tech also offers active programs for students interested in preparing for further educational opportunities in dentistry, law, medicine, and teaching. Each program has pre-professional advisors to assist you in selecting a program of study that best fits your interests. While you pursue your major, you also take courses that prepare you for entrance into the professional school of your choice. Many of these courses may also satisfy requirements for your major. Given the rigorous preparation they receive at Tech, our students enjoy high acceptance rates to the nation’s most prestigious graduate programs in all disciplines.
Signature Programs
Blurb / Gallery Set
A firsthand glimpse into the professional world for students to gain insights into various industries and career paths. Learn more about hosting as an alumni or shadowing as a student.
An opportunity for current students to join an alumni for an intimate dinner to learn more about their experience at Georgia Tech, career, and life post-graduation.
Employer site visits to companies in the metro Atlanta area. This is a great way for students to connect to the industry, explore career paths, and grow their network. Transportation provided.