Teaching the Middle Ages and Renaissance to STEM Students: A Digital Symposium

December 4, 2023, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


This symposium addresses the increasing importance of the sciences and technology at institutions of higher learning suggests that medievalists and Renaissance scholars also have an increased need to understand how we should respond to student audiences whose focus lies outside the humanities and social sciences. Are STEM students’ horizons of expectation and interest substantially different from those in art, history, literary studies, music, religion, philosophy, or sociology? Do these audiences (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, medicine) and their environments (labs, future- and progress-orientedness, linkages to industry, profession-ready education) demand that we adjust our themes, philosophies, and methodological approaches? How is the instruction of medieval and Renaissance subject matter structurally integrated for these audiences and environments?

Co-sponsored by Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching (SMART); the School of Literature, Media, and Communication; and the School of History and Sociology.

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Lanie Pomerleau