2023 Georgia Tech Philosophy and STS Symposium

November 13, 2023, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Exhibition Hall, Centennial Room

Come visit our showcase for the cutting-edge research of an interdisciplinary group of postdoctoral and visiting scholars in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech in Fall 2023. Coffee and snacks provided.


  • "AI Moral Status and Occasional Moral Accountability," Sherri Lynn Conklin, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Ethics and Technology, School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech
  • "Offline, Unplugged, Disconnected: Artistic Interventions and a Postphenomenological Inquiry into Absence-Relations to Technologies," Annie Kurz, Hessen State University of Art and Design, Offenbach am Main, Frankfurt, Germany
  • "Postphenomenology and Power: An Exploration of the Materialization of Power," Carsten Hid Nielsen, Aalborg University, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Denmark
  • "Westsplaining," Alzbeta Haikova, Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech
  • "Observing the Telepresent: Exploring the Technologically Mediated Intra-actions of Absentee Children," Mads Lund Andersen, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education, Department of Educational Psychology, Denmark

This event is taking place with the support of the School of Public Policy and in conjunction with the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Graduate Certificate in Science, Technology, and Society.