Se taire, gazouiller, crier: les voix poétiques selon Baudelaire et Rimbaud

March 27, 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Price Gilbert Memorial Library, Scholars Event Theater (Room 1280), 704 Cherry Street Atlanta, GA 30332-0900

Featuing Andrea Schellino, associate professor of French literature at Roma Tre University and co-head of “Groupe Baudelaire” at ITEM (Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes) in Paris (ENS-CNRS). In 2020, he published La Pensée de la décadence de Baudelaire à Nietzsche (Classiques Garnier) and is now co-directing the new edition of Baudelaire’s complete works in Gallimard’s “Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.”

Explore the poetic voice in the works of Baudelaire and Rimbaud, delving into the evocative portrayal of inarticulate bird sounds. Dive into the theme of voice and explore the poetic expressions of nineteenth-century French poets Baudelaire and Rimbaud, with a focus on the unique portrayal of inarticulate bird sounds in their verses. Join us for an insightful exploration titled "Se taire, gazouiller, crier: les voix poétiques selon Baudelaire et Rimbaud."

The closest parking is the Visitor Area 1 Lot on North Avenue. 

Co-sponsored by the School of Modern Languages and the Voice + Lab.

French Speaker Series at Georgia Tech

This event is organized by Stéphanie Boulard, professor of French. The French Speaker Series at Georgia Tech is an event that brings renowned French writers, scholars, and artists to the campus to engage with students, faculty, and the broader community. It provides a unique opportunity to gain insights directly from the author or the artist’s perspective. The French Speaker Series is a consistent and engaging event that promotes the exploration and appreciation of French literature and culture within the university community. The series also aims to provide students, faculty, and the broader Atlanta community with opportunities for cultural enrichment and intellectual engagement while promoting cross-cultural understanding with a global perspective.

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Contact For More Information

Stéphanie Boulard