The Power of Sound and Sport Webinar
Friday, April 5, 1 – 2:30 p.m. (EST)
How are sports shaped by sounds? How do sounds materialize through sports as auditory signifiers, noise, music, sensory feedback, vibrations, and multi-layered soundscapes? What might critical approaches to the study of sound and music offer sport scholars and creative practitioners? How can examinations of sports sounds inform questions around diverse embodiments while challenging dominant knowledges and social inequalities? How might digital methods of sound recording, editing, archiving, sharing, and listening facilitate opportunities for interdisciplinary, collaborative knowledge production? How are sports sounds intertwined with visual phenomena and representations? How are artists, musicians, media producers, and sport practitioners uniquely situated to develop new possibilities for exploring the sport/sound nexus?
The Power of Sound and Sport Webinar is the first session of the two-part online event series Sound, Sport, and the Digital and seeks a diverse group of scholars, students, artists, sport practitioners, and community members interested in addressing these and related questions.
This webinar aims to expand understandings of how sound in its many forms can provide novel sites for interdisciplinary analysis of sports and the moving body while harnessing creative methods for multimedia knowledge sharing and social activism. The webinar will consist of presentations from invited speakers discussing their explorations into sound and sport across research, media, and artistic domains. Presenters will also answer questions about their experiences working within the sport/sound nexus and reflect on the scholarly and creative possibilities generated by the convergence of sounds and sports.
This first session is open to anyone interested in learning from these presentations, which can include those new to the topic and those actively working with sound as a socio-cultural phenomenon.
Featuring presentations by:
- Matt Ventresca, Georgia Institute of Technology / Australian National University
- Nik Dickerson, Loughborough University
- Mel Day, San Jose State
- Akilah Carter-Francique, Benedict College
- Oliver Rick, Regis College
- Sam Clevenger, Towson University
Moderated by Marta Mack, University of Kentucky, with introductions by Mary McDonald, Georgia Institute of Technology.
The second part of the Sound, Sport, and the Digital Event Series, Sounding Out – Works in Progress at the Sports/Sound Nexus, will be held on April 26 and is an interactive online workshop where participants can share works in progress that explore the connections between sports and sound.
Sound, Sport, and the Digital is part of the Sport and Digital Possibilities Project and is presented by The Sport, Society, and Technology Research Collective at the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech.