“The Economics and Measurement of Child Development," presented by James Heckman, University of Chicago

August 2, 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Midtown Ballroom, Exhibition Hall, Georgia Tech

James Heckman, a University of Chicago economist and Nobel laureate, will deliver a lecture titled “The Economics and Measurement of Child Development," at the 9th annual conference of the Society for Economic Measurement (SEM). He will be the plenary speaker at the conference. 

About James Heckman

James J. Heckman is the Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, a Nobel Memorial Prize winner in economics, and an expert in the economics of human development. Through the university’s Center for the Economics of Human Development, he has conducted groundbreaking work with a consortium of economists, developmental psychologists, sociologists, statisticians, and neuroscientists, showing that quality early childhood development heavily influences health, economic, and social outcomes for individuals and society at large. Heckman has shown that there are great economic gains to be had by investing in early childhood development.

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Shatakshee Dhongde