Ivan Allen Athletes Achieve ACC Honor Roll

Posted July 30, 2015

Ivan Allen College proudly recognizes 12 student-athletes who made the 2014-2015 Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Honor Roll this year. The Honor Roll is comprised of student-athletes who participated in a varsity-level sport and registered a grade point average of 3.0 or better for the full academic year. Students on the conference honor roll are lauded for their hard work in the classroom and academic achievement while also participating in ACC athletic competition.

     1. Kamilah Bakari(link is external) (LMC) − Track − Three-time member

     2. Kate Brandus(link is external) (Public Policy) − Swimming − Four-time member

     3. Courtney Felinski(link is external) (STC) − Volleyball − Four-time member

     4. Camile Felix(link is external) (CM) − Swimming

     5. Tadric Jackson (link is external)(LMC) − Basketball

     6. Francis Kallon(link is external) (LMC) − Football − Two-time member

     7. Cory Pope(link is external) (HTS) − Baseball

     8. Roddreka Rogers(link is external) (LMC) − Basketball − Two-time member

     9. Trey Smith(link is external) (INTA) − Football

     10. Rod Tyler (ECON) − Football

     11. Bailey Weiland(link is external) (Public Policy) − Track

     12. Wimberly Wilson(link is external) (LMC) - Volleyball − Three-time member

Related Media

Ivan Allen College ACC Honor Athletes Spring 2015

Contact For More Information

Rebecca Keane

Director of Communications

rebecca.keane@iac.gatech.edu(link sends email)