Byung-Cheol Kim Receives Young Economist Award

Posted February 2, 2016

Byung-Cheol Kim, professor in the School of Economics, received the 2015 Korea-America Economic Association Young Scholar Award(link is external) and was named a future leading scholar in economics(link is external).

The guidelines for the Young Scholar Award include:

The KAEA Young Scholar Award

Selection criteria: The Award will be given to KAEA member(s) in good standing (as of the day of nomination to the KAEA President) who has shown scholarly performance and a great potential through publications in leading journals in economics and related fields.  In general, the KAEA members who received a Ph.D. degree or equivalent within seven years prior to the award date will be qualified to be nominated, although a reasonable exception can be made through a decision made by the Committee. There will be one or two recipients of this Award each year, depending on the quality of the applicants, the KAEA budget situation, and by the Committee decision.

Procedures of nomination and selection: The Award Nomination Committee which consists of three members (including previous winner of the Award), appointed by the KAEA President by June 30, with staggering 3-year terms, will nominate the finalist(s) to the KAEA President.  The Committee can ask nomination from KAEA members via the call for nominations announced in the KAEA homepage asking required materials (a CV and reasons for nomination included), and the committee members may also nominate. The Committee may ask nominee(s) additional information if necessary. The Committee will forward a list of the finalist(s) to the KAEA President by August 30. The KAEA President will finalize the recipient of the Award, notify it to the Committee and the recipient, and announce it by September 15.

Award money and venue: The winner will be awarded $3,000 (for the single winner, and flexible for multiple winners, such as $2,000 each, for example, to be determined by the KAEA President) and award plaque. The award money is paid by the KAEA operational budget, and will be split equally when there are multiple recipients. The Award will be given at the KAEA annual meeting, and the recipient of the Award is required to receive it in person.


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Contact For More Information

Rebecca Keane
Director of Communications
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