Ivan Allen College Affinity Group Established by GT Alumni Association
Posted September 14, 2016
The Georgia Tech Alumni Association has formally established the Ivan Allen College Affinity Group, a group intended to help connect the College’s alumni, students, and faculty.
The group will focus on four key areas:
- Leadership for current students in the form of mentoring, internships, and job shadowing.
- Development to serve the professional development needs for Ivan Allen College alumni.
- Representation by advocating and cultivating the full participation of Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts throughout the Institute.
- Building community by fostering an environment of collaboration between faculty, staff, alumni, students, the Institute, and its surrounding community.
In the coming months, the group’s steering committee plans to organize networking events and establish an alumni-sponsored scholarship.
“The purpose of the Ivan Allen College Affinity Group is to create a community of alumni that gives back to current students,” said Alyssa Rumsey (HTS 2013), an alumna who spearheaded efforts to form the group. “It is about expanding the potential opportunities for all participants in both career and personal realms.”
“The collective effort by our alumni in this achievement deserves significant applause,” said Juan McGruder, director of development for the Ivan Allen College. “The group will play a pivotal role and ultimately have a tremendous impact on the connectivity of this important constituency to the College community for many years to come.”
If you are interested in learning more about the Affinity Group, please email alums@iac.gatech.edu.
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Contact For More Information
Rebecca Keane
Director of Communications