McEver Receives Global Business and Interfaith Peace Award for Religious Leadership

Posted September 19, 2016

Bruce McEver, Georgia Tech alumnus (IE 1966) and longtime friend and supporter of the Ivan Allen College, was honored among the inaugural recipients of the Global Business and Interfaith Peace Awards in Rio de Janeiro on September 6.

The Global Business and Interfaith Peace Awards, presented by the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation, presented McEver with a bronze medal award. Additional honorees included Y.W. Junardy (gold), Don Larsen (silver), Brittany Underwood (silver), Jonathan Berezovsky (bronze), Fouad Makhzoumi (bronze), and Emma Nicholson (bronze).

McEver, Chairman and Founder of Berkshire Capital Securities LLC, collaborated with the late Professor Ron Thiemann of Harvard Divinity School to create The Foundation for Religious Literacy (TFRL), a foundation that promotes religious understanding by bringing together business professionals along with outstanding academics and practitioners.

The foundation cultivates inter-religious understanding and practical skills through collaboration with partners such as the regional Harvard Business School Clubs via its Business Across Religious Traditions (BART) seminars. Through its Faith, Ethics, and Leadership seminars and leaders in business and other professions, TFRL also advocates values and ethics derived from religious and secular traditions, fostering a healthy pluralist democracy through respect for differences. 

McEver is a member of the Ivan Allen College Advisory Board.  He has endowed Georgia Tech’s McEver Chair in Poetry and the McEver Program for Engineering and the Liberal Arts, and he supports as well the Leadership and Multifaith Program (LAMP) initiative, which is a collaboration between the Ivan Allen College and the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. In 2015, he received the Dean’s Appreciation Award at the Ivan Allen College Distinguished Alumni Awards ceremony.

We offer Bruce our congratulations for receiving this wonderful honor.