Lee Wins ISPIM Innovation Management Dissertation Award

Posted September 21, 2016

You-Na Lee, an alumna (PubPol ’15) and visiting assistant professor in the Ivan Allen College School of Public Policy, received the 2016 International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Innovation Management Dissertation Award during the XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference in Porto, Portugal. The ISPIM Innovation Management Dissertation Award recognizes PhD researchers who are developing the insights, theories, and tools to shape the future of innovation management thinking and action.

This year, ISPIM received more than 110 submissions from 40 different countries for this dissertation award, and the top three dissertations were nominated for the award and invited to the conference for the award ceremony. At the award ceremony, Lee was announced as the overall winner, receiving a plaque and the 2500 euro prize.

Her dissertation, “Expanding understanding of the innovation process: R&D and non-R&D innovation,” bridges economic, sociological, and organizational learning perspectives in innovation research. The dissertation highlights the implications of the findings for the organization of innovation, management of technology, and national innovation policy.

ISPIM is a network of researchers, industrialists, consultants, and public bodies who share an interest in innovation management. ISPIM produces scientific and educational material and events to help people understand and share thinking and experiences on how individuals, organizations, and society can be better organized to create and distribute new products, services, and processes to make the world a better place. Founded in 1983, it is the oldest, largest, and most active innovation association in Europe.

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Rebecca Keane
Director of Communications
rebecca.keane@iac.gatech.edu(link sends email)