School of Modern Languages Seeks Applicants to Global Languages, Cultures, and Technologies (GLACT) Postdoctoral Program

Posted January 26, 2017

The Ivan Allen College School of Modern Languages at the Georgia Institute of Technology seeks six postdoctoral students with training in modern languages (French, German, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Spanish) for the newly instituted Global Languages, Cultures, and Technologies (GLACT) post-doctoral program.

The GLACT program seeks to foster collaboration across languages, technologies, and global cultures. GLACT positions are full-time and renewable for up to three years. They include a 3/3 teaching assignment (with opportunities for a course offset in support of academic program development), health and retirement benefits, a salary of $45,000 per academic year, and a modest professional-development allocation. Candidates with expertise in innovative teaching methodologies and interest in shaping cross-disciplinary language program development for the 21st century are especially encouraged to apply.

Teaching and Curricular Development: The GLACT program involves teaching a range of undergraduate courses with one-to-two courses possible in the candidate’s area of research specialization. The GLACT program includes opportunities for curricular and program development in topics related to languages, cultures, and technologies, as well as potential instruction in connection with our signature Languages for Business and Technology (LBAT) summer study abroad programs. Interest in collaboration with faculty and researchers in the School of Modern Languages and across the Institute — including in technology-oriented disciplines — is vital, as the GLACT position involves teaching a range of students while contributing to new and innovative academic programming that aligns with Georgia Tech strategic priorities.

Preferred specializations within each language concentration include:

French: Applied Linguistics; Second Language Acquisition; Online Instruction and E-learning.

German: Language for Business and Technology; Online Instruction; contribution to the LBAT program.

Japanese:  Linguistics; Language and Technology (NLP expertise is a plus); content-based courses in Japanese, including advanced levels; contribution to the LBAT program.

Mandarin Chinese: Chinese Linguistics; Second Language Acquisition; Heritage Learning; and Online Instruction

Russian: Culture and Media Studies; Language for Business and STEM; contribution to the LBAT program; Linguistics.

Spanish: Technical and Business Spanish; Spanish for the Healthcare Profession, Linguistics, Online Instruction.

Research: Candidates are expected to continue their scholarly agendas and are encouraged to extend them to include research in areas such as pedagogy, service learning, international education, digital humanities, cross-disciplinary language and technology instructional innovation, and assessment. The GLACT program encourages active collaboration on shared research interests as part of a vibrant scholarly community, with regular and formalized opportunities for feedback, mentorship, and intellectual development.

Professional Development: Candidates are supported in their professional development toward academic and non-academic career paths through projects such as programmatic assessment, grant writing, administration, publishing, and public relations.

Service: Candidates may serve on committees to help shape programmatic initiatives in areas such as innovative instructional technologies, curriculum development, recruitment and outreach, and professional opportunities for Georgia Tech students in the global arena.

Position requirements include a Ph.D. awarded no more than five years prior to appointment plus demonstrated strengths in research and teaching. Dossiers should include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, teaching portfolio (minimally, a teaching statement, sample syllabi, and summary of course evaluations/comments; additional elements are acceptable), and three letters of recommendation, to be submitted to sends email). Only digital applications will be reviewed. Review of applications begins on March 1, 2017, and continues until the positions are filled. Expected start date is August 15, 2017.

The Georgia Institute of Technology is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. The School of Modern Languages is especially interested in considering applications from minority candidates.

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Contact For More Information

Rebecca Keane
Director of Communications