Baxter Co-Authors Article with Jordan and Rubin
Posted May 24, 2018
Philip Baxter, Ph.D. candidate in the Nunn School, co-authored a journal article with Lawrence Rubin, associate professor in the Nunn School, and Jenna Jordan, assistant professor in the Nunn School, titled How Small States Acquire Status: A Social Network Analysis. The article was published in International Area Studies Review.
A number of recent studies have recognized the importance of status in international politics. While this developing scholarship has largely focused on great and middle powers, the pursuit of status by small states remains underexplored. For example, many studies claim that small states such as Qatar ‘punch above their weight’ in international politics in pursuit of status. How do small states without significant military power acquire status? How can we assess change in status over time? This paper argues that small states can acquire status by increasing their involvement in international politics and one way states can do this is through mediation efforts. Acting as a mediator for international conflict can enhance a small state’s status relative to its peers by demonstrating its relevance and importance in the regional and international system. This public act of mediation produces commonly held beliefs that the mediator state is an influential player in the international system, thus conferring it more status. Social network analysis reveals that as a state increases its international engagement through mediation activities, it can occupy a more central position in important networks, and a higher ranking within its peer group, indicating an increase in status. This increase in status can be translated to greater influence in international politics.
Read full article here
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Philip Baxter, IAST doctoral candidate
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