He’s Article Published in ‘Resources Policy’

Posted August 20, 2018

Yujia He, an alumna from the Master of Science in International Affairs and Doctor of Philosophy in International Affairs, Science, and Technology in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, has an article published in Resources Policy titled “The Trade Security Nexus and U.S Policy Making in Critical Minerals(link is external).”

The U.S. is increasing its dependence on imports to meet its dire need for critical minerals. In the paper, He addresses the conditions and strategies the U.S. government can use to address its imports dependence.

The article is partially based on the fieldwork He conducted as a summer doctoral institute fellow at the George Washington University CIBER program in 2012.

He began her studies in 2009 following graduation from Peking University with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry. During her studies in the Nunn School, she concentrated in comparative politics, international political economy, and science and technology policy. Her dissertation was based on China’s reregulation of rare earth industry.

Following graduation, she held positions at the International Fund for China’s Environment, the Wilson Center, the Atlantic Council, and she is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Emerging Market Studies at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

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