Ivan Allen Faculty and Students Receive GVU and IPaT Research and Engagement Grants

Posted August 22, 2019

Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts faculty and students are recipients of research and engagment grants for 2019 - 2020 from Georgia Tech's GVU and Institute of People and Technology (IPaT). 

The research grants will provide seed funding for new research collaborations with the objective of promoting research activities involving faculty and students from the various disciplines represented in GVU and IPaT. The engagement grants will provide support for new forms of community engagement and collaboration, whether internal or external to Georgia Tech.

Projects/recipients in the Ivan Allen College are:

From #hashtags to Movements: Performance, Collective Narrative, and Erasure, a Black Feminist Perspective by Brooke Bosley(link is external) and Susana Morris(link is external) (Digital Media)

Workshop on Language, Technology, and Society by Lelia Glass(link is external) (Modern Languages)

Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment 2019 by Anne Sullivan(link is external) (Literature, Media, and Communication) with Mark Riedl(link is external) (Interactive Computing)

Grantees are tasked with the following responsibilities:

  • Present their planned work at an introductory GVU brown bag panel in the fall, present final results at at a GVU brown bag panel the following spring, present at the fall or spring IPaT Townhall, and produce a brief final report.
  • Maintain a project web page that describes their proposed work, outcomes, etc.
  • Acknowledge GVU, IPaT, and potentially GTRI support for the project in any talks, papers, proposals, or other outreach based on the project.
  • Aim to acquire additional funding for parallel and subsequent research activities.
  • Spend all funds by the end of the spring semester.

In addition to the Ivan Allen College grantees, these students also received research and engagement grants:

Getting Good: Using esports to inspire students in developing STEM skills

Laura Levy (IMTC), Andrew Partridge (GTRI), and Sean Mulvanity (GTRI)

Detecting and Measuring the Impact of Food Insecurity at Georgia Tech

Jon Sanford (Industrial Design) and Thomas Ploetz (Interactive Computing)

Acoustic Sensor Deployment in the EcoCommons

Emily Weigel (Biological Sciences), Adam Beteul (Atlanta Audobon Society), David Anderson (ECE), and Matthew Swarts (GTRI)

Related Media

From left: Anne Sullivan, Susana Morris, Brooke Bosley, Lelia Glass

Contact For More Information

Rebecca Keane
Director of Communications