Faculty Development Mentor Program Aims to Foster Interdisciplinary Connections

Posted February 26, 2020

The Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech has continued to grow in size and influence, and a new faculty development program designed to encourage mentorship and collaboration across disciplines could create even more exciting scholarship.

In fall 2019 Jan Uelzmann(link is external), associate chair of German in the School of Modern Languages, suggested that the college support a Faculty Development Mentor Program. He worked with Carol Colatrella(link is external), associate dean for graduate studies and faculty development, and with College IT and communication staff to create the current online system. It was rolled out in January and is fully functional on iac.gatech.edu. Colatrella and Uelzmann envisioned a program that would increase interdisciplinary collaboration in the College and ease the process of networking and communication.

“Much of what we do at Ivan Allen is very interdisciplinary, so the mentoring should reflect that,” Uelzmann said. “At the same time, we are addressing a need that is there in all Ivan Allen College schools. We are also hoping that as a secondary effect, these mentoring connections might foster lasting research connections across school lines.”

Any faculty member can enroll in the program by updating their faculty profile page and selecting the box that designates them at a faculty mentor. When they do that, a badge will appear on the link to their profile on the College website faculty directory.

“I very much like the elegance of this integrated solution,” Uelzmann said. “The program “lives” on the Ivan Allen College website, so there is no intermediary required.”

Colatrella and Uelzmann envision the Faculty Development Mentor Program pairing with other development programs like the Innovation and Collaboration in Liberal Arts, Science and Technology (ICLAST) discussion series to create a stronger culture of mentoring, research, teaching and service. The program is open to everyone from tenure-track faculty to academic professionals, and a faculty member designating themselves as a mentor can also encourage students interested in research to reach out for advice and guidance.

The Faculty Development Mentor Program is a way of formalizing the informal process of fostering meaningful, productive professional connections, and people can use the program to both improve their work in their own field or learn the ins and outs of another.

The program is one of many resources available in the College and on campus. A list of more faculty development resources is below.

Faculty Development Resources and Opportunities

Networking opportunities

School and college standing and hoc committees
School & college mentoring: see names noted in Faculty Profiles
Faculty Senate committees; see http://facultygovernance.gatech.edu/(link is external)

Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts

IACLA Bias Awareness Workshops

IACLA RPT Workshops

Periodic events focusing on publication, grants, research topics

Participation in IACLA Diversity and Inclusion Committee and Faculty Advisory Board

Consultations with dean, chairs, associate deans, school RPT chairs and other senior faculty

Georgia Tech Faculty Affairs

The Office of Faculty Affairs hosts a series of annual workshops and seminars for new faculty. While these are targeted at faculty who joined within the past year, all events are open to any faculty member who wishes to attend.

https://faculty.gatech.edu/new-faculty(link is external)

CAREER Award Workshops [need to check with OSP & Faculty Affairs]
Advice about preparing proposals for CAREER Awards.
OLD--https://www.cc.gatech.edu/program/NRO/misc/carerOSP.html(link is external)

QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training (Student Life)

A two-hour QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Training is offered to anyone in the Georgia Tech community interested in learning how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, offer hope, and ultimately help save lives. Participants will learn how to intervene with at-risk individuals, persuade them to seek help, and guide them to appropriate resources.
 https://endsuicide.gatech.edu/content/qpr-training-0(link is external)

LGBTQIA Resource Center(link is external)
The Center coordinates a range of programs and events throughout the year aimed at educating faculty, students, and staff about LGBTQIA issues, providing safe spaces for LGBTQIA students to build community and explore their identities, and facilitating conversations about LGBTQIA diversity, equity, and inclusion.

https://lgbtqia.gatech.edu/(link is external)

Emerging Leaders (Provost) deadline March 8, 2020—for tenured associate & full professors

The Emerging Leaders Program is a collaboration between the Office of the Provost, the Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship, and the Office of Graduate Education and Faculty Development and is designed for associate and full professors who have attained tenure. This program includes a fall weekend workshop, monthly workshops, small-group work, and a 360-degree assessment.

https://provost.gatech.edu/emerging-leaders(link is external)

Diversity and Inclusion Fellows (IDEI)
With support from the Institute Diversity and the ADVANCE program, the Diversity and Inclusion Fellows Program brings together faculty, staff, and students who strive to advance a culture of inclusive excellence on campus. Program activities focus on the various dimensions and intersectionalities of diversity through symposia, workshops, and mentorship programs.  https://diversity.gatech.edu/DIFellowsProgram(link is external)

Leading Women at Tech (IDEI)

This program seeks to engage women leaders who are in director-level positions and above at the Institute through monthly program activities and optional coaching that empower participants to act on their career and life goals.

https://diversity.gatech.edu/leadingwomenattech(link is external)

Employee Resource Groups (HR)

Staff Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement offers six Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to support Georgia Tech’s efforts to build community and ensure that employees experience a greater sense of belonging.

https://www.sdie.gatech.edu/programs-and-initiatives/engagement/ergs(link is external)

Center for Teaching and Learning Programs
The Center for Teaching and Learning Programs offers a variety of resources and workshops open to faculty, postdocs, and graduate students who seek to enhance their teaching skills and careers. http://www.cetl.gatech.edu/(link is external)
http://www.cetl.gatech.edu/news/ncfdd-offers-free-professional-development-grad-students-faculty(link is external)

University System of Georgia Faculty Development

The University System of Georgia Faculty and Staff Resource Web Site serves as a centralized location identifying teaching and learning resources from across 26 institutions that are available to USG Faculty and Staff.

https://www.usg.edu/facultydevelopment/(link is external)

National Center for Faculty Development

The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity is an independent center that provides professional development, training, and mentorship opportunities. All members of the Georgia Tech community are now eligible for free membership enrollment and access to resources applicable across academic disciplines that include a range of topics such as time management, how to write grant proposals, and more.

https://faculty.gatech.edu/NCFDD(link is external)

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Contact For More Information

Rebecca Keane
Director of Communications