Modern Languages Book of the Month - Vers des identités culturelles postfrancophones?

Posted March 5, 2020

The School of Modern Languages(link is external), in collaboration with the GT Library(link is external), has established a “Book of the Month” initiative to celebrate the research of Modern Languages faculty. The first selection is Vers des identités culturelles postfrancophones? (link is external)(Towards Post-Francophone Cultural Identities?) by Christophe Ippolito(link is external), Associate Professor of French.

A note from the author:

“This monograph examines how Francophone identities can be liberated from a French-based linguistic and political neocolonial empire. It mainly focuses on Africa, the Middle East, and Canada. The work on Lebanon, partly based on interviews and archives, analyzes the collaboration between a Lebanese and an American publisher, offering methodological and practitioner perspectives on translation and editing. In the context of Francophone Canada, the focus is on immigration, politics, exile and Yiddish culture. A third area concerns representations and politics of Francophone Africa, with texts on representational stereotypes about Francophone Africa, publishing in Francophone Africa today, or resistance to neocolonialism in the Comoros, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean.

Redefining what is called Francophonie today is an important task for many of us engaged in Francophone studies on Africa in particular.”

Christophe Ippolito(link is external) works on French and Francophone literature after 1800. He has published books on Flaubert, description, resistance to modernity, Lebanon, the notion of life, and autobiography.

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Contact For More Information

Emily Snelling
Marketing and Events, School of Modern Languages