Ph.D. Graduate Marcie Mao Accepts A Tenure-Track Position

Posted April 23, 2020

Marcie (Xi) Mao, one of the graduating Ph.D. students in the School of Economics has accepted a tenure-track position at the Department of Economics and Finance at Robert C. Vackar College of Business & Entrepreneurship at the University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley. Her research interests range across international trade theory and the history and political economy of international trade.

Mao’s dissertation focuses on foreign trade policy and international politics at the time of slavery. It discusses how the British trade liberalization policy impacted U.S. slavery and electoral returns in the middle of the 19th century. The work first identifies the causal relationships between the Repeal of the British Corn Laws and slavery in the U.S. southern cotton states. Then, it argues that these changes in the trade regime significantly affected the U.S. presidential and congressional electoral returns from 1840 to 1860.

In addition to her solid research work, Marcie has taught some principles of economics courses for a number of years, including a course in Global Economics in the China Summer Program 2019. The school noted that Mao's teaching support has been "an enormous asset to the School and its students."

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