Husbands Fealing and Pearson Serve on Panels at AAAS Forum

Posted October 20, 2020

Kaye Husbands Fealing(link is external), Dean and Ivan Allen Jr. Chair in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, and Willie Pearson(link is external), professor in the School of History and Sociology, both served on panels during the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences' 45th Annual Forum on Science & Technology Policy on October 13 and 14. 

The event, which was held virtually, was dedicated to evaluating overall research activity and how it has adjusted to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the overall effect of race and racism on "the scientific enterprise."

Husbands Fealing participated in the panel "An Overview of the Current U.S. Research and Innovation Model & A System Critique Based on Covid-19," discussing how the "research model" can react to particularly pressing topics. Pearson participated in the panel "Systemic Racism in Science: The Shadow of Slavery," where he discussed issues of racism in science, a prominent topic in his research and scholarship.

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