Ivan Allen College Instructors Named to 2022 CIOS Honor Roll
Posted May 27, 2022
Twenty-three instructors across all six Ivan Allen College schools have been named to the Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Spring 2022 CIOS Honor Roll sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning.
The awards recognize instructors in small- and large-class categories who receive the highest scores on three Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) items — respect and concern for students, enthusiasm for the course, and ability to stimulate interest — and have at least a 70% response rate.
The 40 most highly rated instructors to receive Honor Roll designations go on to receive the Annual CIOS Award next calendar year.
The Ivan Allen College was second only to the College of Engineering in the number of instructors honored this semester.
“These recognitions once again showcase the hard work, innovation, and passion of our faculty to engage with students in meaningful, impactful ways,” said Shatakshee Dhongde, associate dean for academic affairs. “We could not be more proud of each and every one of these recipients.”
The Spring 2022 Ivan Allen College Spring CIOS Honor Roll Recipients are:
Small Classes:
- Bianca Batti — ENGL 1102
- Whitney Buser — ECON 4370
- Seung‐Eun Chang — KOR 2002
- Kelley Fong — HTS 2016
- Lionel Gall — FREN 1001
- Andrea Jonsson — FREN 4200
- Bo Kyoung Kim — KOR 1002
- Kathrin Koppe — GRMN 1002
- Sophie Landrieux Kartochian — FREN 2001
- Chao Li — CHIN 1001
- Eliza Markley — INTA 3221
- Kyoko Masuda — JAPN 3001
- Aya McDaniel — JAPN 1002
- Lee Oh — KOR 1001
- Melissa Pilkington — SPAN 2002
- Sonia Serafin — FREN 1001
- Chad Slieper — PUBP 4843
- Satomi Suzuki Chenoweth — JAPN 1001
- Samba Sy — FREN 1002
- Amanda Weiss,— ML 2500
- Hongchen Wu — LING 2100
Large Classes:
- Dylan Brewer — ECON 2106
- Aselia Urmanbetova — ECON 2105