Science Fiction Day 2023: LGBTQ+ Sci-Fi

Posted December 22, 2022

Every year, faculty in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts who study and teach about science fiction offer reading recommendations for Science Fiction Day, Jan. 2. This year, we are offering a selection of short stories and novels with LGBTQ+ themes.

"There’s an old cliché that science fiction is — or at least originally was — all about 'straight white boys and their toys.' Regents Professor Lisa Yaszek explains. "But as digital technologies give us increasing access to the historical science fiction archive, we learn this just isn’t true. In fact, we find that queer and trans people, especially queer and trans women, have long gravitated to science fiction as a narrative form that quite literally gives voice to all kinds of people — including those who seem to be alien or even alienated by others."

Check out the full story for more of Yaszek's essay and reading recommendations from faculty and this year, for the first time, students.

Related Media

For Science Fiction Day 2023, we examine titles from the genre with LGBTQ+ themes.

Contact For More Information

Michael Pearson(link sends email)
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts