Science Fiction Day 2024 — AI in Sci-Fi

Posted December 19, 2023

Contrary to popular belief, the holidays don't end with New Year's Day. In fact, in addition to being National Cream Puff Day, World Introvert Day, and National Buffet Day (and some other stuff), Jan. 2 is also Science Fiction Day. And every Science Fiction Day, the faculty and students of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts offer recommendations for some (often off-the-beaten-path) things to read, watch, or play to celebrate.

This year, we're looking at AI in science fiction. You won't find 2001: A Space Odyssey, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, or The Moon is a Harsh Mistress on this list. Instead, you'll find less well-known but no less fascinating fare, from some early examples of AI in science fiction literature to a current-day streaming series.

So take one more day off to celebrate science fiction, starting with these recommendations(link is external).

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AI in Sci Fi

Contact For More Information

Michael Pearson(link sends email)
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts