If ‘New Media’ Isn’t New Anymore… What’s Next?

Posted November 17, 2023

The term “new media” refers to any media that’s digital, such as a TV show, a blog, or an online newspaper.  

However, "even though it's in the title of my professorship, the phrase is old and isn't that commonly used anymore," says Jay Bolter, professor and Wesley Chair of New Media at Georgia Tech's School of Literature, Media, and Communication. "The reason for that is because it has a shelf life. That is to say, what's new media today isn't new media tomorrow, or at least won't be in five years or ten years, given the pace of change in digital technology." 

So, if it isn't called new media anymore, what are Georgia Tech students learning? Read more on the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts website.

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Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts