Michael Salomone


Member Of:
  • Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Office Location: Habersham 153


Dr. Michael D. Salomone joined the Sam Nunn School as Professor of International Affairs in 1989. At Georgia Tech he has developed and currently teaches courses on great power relations, technology and military organization, simulation and war-gaming, and scenario writing and path gaming. He was educated at Lehigh University 's Department of International Relations and earned his PhD in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. For the past 30 years, Dr. Salomone has studied the capabilities and vulnerabilities of military organizations, and he has conducted numerous studies for the Office of Net Assessment/Office of the Secretary of Defense and other Department of Defense organizations. His most recent research activities involve information flows and battlefield decision-making, command and control assessment for network-centric operations, and military transformation. He is presently constructing an interactive computer simulation of the World War I German Schlieffen Plan and writing on the reasons for its failure. Dr. Salomone has written articles for Defense Acquisition Review, Orbis, Survival, Armed Forces and Society and Defense and Security Analysis on various political/military subjects, and he is the co-author of The Reluctant Supplier: U.S. Decision Making for Arms Sales (1983) and of Technology Transfer and US Security Assistance (1987), Managing Defense Transformation (2007) and the co-editor of Marketing Security Assistance: New Perspectives on Arms Sales (1987). He has been a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and is a fellow of Sigma Xi (scientific research society) and the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society.