Robert Wood

Associate Professor

Member Of:
  • School of Literature, Media, and Communication


Dr. Robert E. Wood is an Associate Professor in the School of Literature, Media and Communication. He received his PhD in English from the University of Virginia as well as an M.S. in Mathematics from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. He was an Instructor of Mathematics for two years at Brooklyn Polytech and joined the Georgia Tech faculty in English in 1974. A specialist in Renaissance Drama and the Science and Culture of the Renaissance, he has also written on Film and Television. He is the author of Some Necessary Questions of the Play: A Stage-Centered Analysis of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' (Bucknell University Press, 1994). He has served as a representative to the Academic Senate and the Executive Board. He is an active participant in Studies Abroad programs in England and in Italy.


  • ENGL-1102: English Composition II
  • HTS-3823: Special Topics
  • LCC-2500: Intro to Film
  • LCC-2661: Theatre Production I
  • LCC-2662: Theatre Production II
  • LCC-2813: Special Topics in STAC
  • LCC-3102: The Classical Tradition
  • LCC-3104: Age-Scientific Discovery
  • LCC-3228: Shakespeare
  • LCC-3252: Film and Television
  • LCC-3823: Special Topics Lit/Cult
  • LCC-3853: Special Topics in Film
  • LMC-2500: Intro to Film
  • LMC-3102: The Classical Tradition
  • LMC-3104: Age Scientific Discovery
  • LMC-3228: Shakespeare
  • LMC-3252: Film and Television
  • LMC-3256: Major Filmmakers
  • LMC-3256R: LMC 3256 Recitation
  • LMC-3502: Medieval Lit & Culture
  • LMC-3504: Renaisance Lit&Culture
  • LMC-3853: Special Topics in Film

