Stuart Goldberg

Professor of Russian

Member Of:
  • School of Modern Languages
Office Location: Swann 318
Office Hours: T 9:30-10:30, R 3-4, or by appointment
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Stuart H. Goldberg received his Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He joined the Georgia Tech faculty in 2003. His expertise lies in Russian and Polish literature and culture, with a focus on Russian poetry. His book, An Indwelling Voice: Sincerities and Authenticies in Russian Poetry(link is external) was supported by an American Council of Learned Societies fellowship and has recently been released by the Univerity of Toronto Press.  It analyzes through historically contextualized close readings the rhetorical structures, pragmatic framings and poetic devices which have allowed a sincere voice to be inscribed in poetry. Taken together, the readings trace how, at critical junctures in the development of Russian verse, the understanding of the nature of sincerity, as well as the means by which it is written into poetry, have changed.

Dr. Goldberg’s previous book, Mandelstam, Blok and the Boundaries of Mythopoetic Symbolism(link is external), published in 2011 by Ohio State University Press, explores the influence of the younger generation of Russian Symbolists on the Osip Mandelstam and Mandelstam's play with distance and immediacy in his assimilation of the Symbolist heritage. It was chosen by the journal Choice for their selective list of "Outstanding Academic Titles, 2012." An authorized translation(link is external) by Vlad Tretyakov was released by the publishing house Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie in 2020. Dr. Goldberg has published articles in journals such as Russian Review, Slavic Review, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Russian Literature (Amsterdam), Slavonic and East European Review, and Slavic and East European Journal. An article exploring the possible influence of Jewish Kabbalah on one of the masterpieces of Polish Romantic theater was translated into Polish and republished in a collection printed by the Polish Academy of Sciences ("Konrad i Jakub: Hipotetyczny podtekst kabalistyczny w III czesci Dziadów Adama Mickiewicza," in Polonistyka po amerykansku: Badania nad literatura polska w Ameryce Pólnocnej (1990-2005) [Warszawa: Instytut Badan Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2006]). In 2005-2006, Dr. Goldberg was recipient of a Fulbright grant, funding eleven months of library and archival research in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Dr. Goldberg offers courses on Russian literature, film, and culture in translation and in Russian, for undergraduates and in Georgia Tech's new M.S. program in Global Media and Cultures. He has taught all levels of Russian language and designed and directs Georgia Tech's intensive summer immersion program in Riga, Latvia. He also conceived and directed the US Department of Education funded Georgia Tech Critical Languages Song Project(link is external), an innovative curricular development project which brought together faculty designers in Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian and graduate student programmers in Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction. The resulting materials for advanced study of language and culture through the prism of song are available at is external).

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • B.A., Williams College