Major Research Area: Science, Engineering, and Society
Title: Director, OMED: Educational Services
Office Phone: 404.894.8746
Office Location: Chapin Building
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Office Phone:
Office Location: Rich Building 131
Title: Associate Professor, Director of Philosophy Minor
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 316
Title: Kranzberg Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Office Phone:
Office Location: G120
Title: Regents Professor and Professor of International Affairs and Computing
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 302
Title: H. Bruce McEver Professor in Engineering and the Liberal Arts
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith G04
Title: Professor Emeritus
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 116
Title: Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Office Phone:
Office Location: Habersham 303
Title: Kranzberg Professor Emeritus
Office Phone:
Office Location: Retired, living in Paris, France
Title: Director of Research, Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Office Phone:
Office Location: IPST 314
Title: Professor Emeritus
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Title: Regents Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 119
Title: Associate Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old Civil Engineering Building, 116
Title: Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 315
Title: Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building 124
Title: Associate Chair and Associate Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building
Title: School Chair, Tom and Marie Patton Chair, and Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 107B
Title: Associate Professor, Co-Director of GTDC Program
Office Phone:
Office Location: DM Smith 310
Title: Associate Professor
Office Phone:
Office Location: Old CE Building G20