Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense

Title: Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense(link is external)
Format: Book
Publication Date: December 2009
Publisher Springer Academic Publishers

The pursuit of the minutely small - nanotechnology - is thriving in academia, in the private sector, and in global state science and technology programs. This work aims to better enable an informed national debate and to affect international dialogue on the role and impact of nanotechnology and emerging science on national defense and homeland security. Combining original research with the findings of an interdisciplinary, defense-oriented workshop, the book explores the current realities and potential for transformational breakthroughs in nanotechnology-based chemical and biological countermeasures, as well as identifies research directions in basic and applied science. Security implications, both for traditional nonproliferation regimes and for misuse by non-state actors are also considered. This ambitious effort serves manifold objectives, including the following: . To give policymakers a strategic roadmap to provide a basis for research direction decisions; . To provide an overview of the current and future challenges, both for military operations and for homeland security applications; . To provide a survey of potential future proliferation and malfeasant co-option of emerging technologies;. To discuss organizational structure and management of chemical and biological defense-related research and nanotechnology-related research at the federal level. To present means to foster revolutionary technology domestically and highlight international needs for future nanotechnology research, cooperation, and security globally.Throughout, the emphasis is on revolutionary rather than evolutionary science and technology. This work intentionally straddles between technical disciplines and social sciences making it truly interdisciplinary. Ideas and work from across the experimental and theoretical physical and life sciences and engineering are included and integrated with insights from the social sciences. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 All rights reserved.

Ivan Allen College Contributors:

1 - 158. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0062-3.

Related Departments:
  • Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy
  • Sam Nunn School of International Affairs