Virtual Exclusion and Telework: Barriers and Opportunities of Technocentric Workplace Accommodation Policy

Title: Virtual Exclusion and Telework: Barriers and Opportunities of Technocentric Workplace Accommodation Policy
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: December 2006
Published In: WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation

Teleworking, a restructuring of the manner in which work occurs, based on information communication technologies (ICTs), is a promising way of further integrating people with disabilities into the workplace. In contrast to telecommuting, in which the work is primarily shifted in locale, telework is a restructuring of the tasks to be accomplished within the larger work setting which could result in "work" being done remotely, or collaboratively with coworkers (remotely or not) using ICTs. Drawing upon a review of the literature, this paper explores the relationship between telework and people with disabilities. While the advent of telecommuting and subsequently "teleworking" might open increased opportunities for the hiring of people with disabilities, it may also place severe constraints on the type of work, workplace environment and interactions, and accumulation of social capital for people with disabilities. Whereas much of the prevailing literature on telework and disability is often proscriptive in nature and is written with an audience of employers in mind, it is just as important to consider policy options from the standpoint of the employee as well. This paper proposes a number of policy approaches for the creation of an inclusive work environment for teleworkers with disabilities that can minimize, as much as possible, the social isolation faced by teleworkers with disabilities while maximizing their participation within the workplace community. Policy objectives for enhancing telework for people with disabilities fall into three general categories: 1) research, 2) outreach, and 3) interventions. © 2006 IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Ivan Allen College Contributors:
External Contributors: Ward, A.C.

Baker, P.M.A., Moon, N.W., & Ward, A.C. (2006). "Virtual Exclusion and Telework: Barriers and Opportunities of Technocentric Workplace Accommodation Policy,"(link is external) WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. 27(4), 421-430.

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