Dukes of the Republic in the Age of Translation: Humanities and the Conceptual Revolution

Title: Dukes of the Republic in the Age of Translation: Humanities and the Conceptual Revolution(link is external)
Format: Book
Publication Date: 2005
Published In: The New Literary Observer
Publisher Новое литературное обозрение

1000296654Dukes of the Republic in the Age of Translation: Humanities and the Conceptual Revolution (Gertsogi respubliki v epokhu perevodov. Gumanitarnye nauki i revoliutsiia poniatii). Moscow: Novoye Literaturnoye Obozrenie, 2005. 264 pp. In Russian.

Ivan Allen College Contributors:

Хапаева Д. Герцоги республики в эпоху переводов: Гуманитарные науки и революция понятий. - М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2005, 264 с.

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  • School of Modern Languages