Using Large-scale Databases to Understand the Trajectories of Emerging Technologies

Title: Using Large-scale Databases to Understand the Trajectories of Emerging Technologies
Format: Chapter
Publication Date: 2012
Published In: Little by Little: Expansions of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies
Publisher Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft
Ivan Allen College Contributors:
External Contributors: Kevin Boyack, Jose Lobo, Richard Klavans, Ismael Rafols

Youtie, J., Porter, A.L., Boyack, K., Lobo, J., Klavans, R., Rafols, I. Shapira, P. 2012. Using Large-scale Databases to Understand the Trajectories of Emerging Technologies in: Van Lente, H., Coenen, C., Fleischer, T., Konrad, K., Krabbenborg, L., Milburn, C., Thoreau, F. and Zülsdorf, T. (Eds.) Little by Little: Expansions of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies. Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 55-58.

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