Economic Determinant of Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Title: Economic Determinant of Multilateral Environmental Agreements(link is external)
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: January 2020
Published In: International Tax and Public Finance

We examine the economic factors that lead to the formation of multilateral environmental agreements, focusing on the likelihood a pair of countries enters into an agreement as well as the number of agreements they share using a near universe of agreements. Two countries are more likely to have an agreement and have more of them if they are economically larger and of similar economic size, closer in distance, have a preferential trade agreement, and trade more. Results are strongest for agreements involving a small number of countries, consistent with a hypothesis that agreements are formed to manage common pool resources.

Ivan Allen College Contributors:
External Contributors: Erik Johnson and Xinping Tian

Besedes, Tibor, Johnson, Eric P. and Tian, Xinping, “Economic Determinants of Multilateral Environmental Agreements,” International Tax and Public Finance (2020), 27(4): 832-864 

  • Environmental Economics
  • International Trade
Related Departments:
  • School of Economics