Export Differentiation in Transition Economies

Title: Export Differentiation in Transition Economies(link is external)
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: March 2011
Published In: Economic Systems

I investigate changes in the structure of trade of seventeen transition economies between 1996 and 2006, focusing on differences across three types of products – homogeneous goods, reference priced goods, and differentiated products. I examine shares of exports of each type of good, intensive and extensive margins, and the hazard of exporting. While there are cross-country differences in the distribution of export shares and in intensive and extensive margins, the largest differences exist in the hazard of exporting. There are significant differences in the hazard both across countries and time.

Ivan Allen College Contributors:

Besedes, Tibor, “Export Differentiation in Transition Economies,” Economic Systems (2011), 35(1):25-44

  • International Trade
Related Departments:
  • School of Economics