Answering a Worldwide Challenge

Responding to Covid-19

The battle against Covid-19 is a worldwide challenge unlike any in living memory. Even as Georgia Tech remains committed to serving our students, faculty, and staff, the Institute, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, and other units across campus are contributing expertise, innovation, and an indomitable spirit to the effort.

Ivan Allen College faculty have accelerated our work to advance technology, deepen understanding of the impact and implications of Covid-19, help to save lives and improve outcomes locally and across the nation. Following are stories about research, scholarship, and helping efforts undertaken by the College and its partners on campus and beyond. We also invite you to read about the broader campus response(link is external) to Covid-19. Together, we can do this.

Why Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories Spread

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Why do so many people embrace Covid-19 misinformation? Does lack of health insurance discourage people from getting tested, even when testing is free? And what prevented doctors in Italy from sharing what they learned about oxygen levels, even though it could help predict which Covid patients were at the highest risk of dying?

Four faculty members in the School of History and Sociology (HSOC) at Georgia Tech are examining these questions and more to help craft effective policy responses to the pandemic.

Responding to Covid-19 In the Classroom