Scott Ganz Examines Charitable Responses to Hurricane Harvey

Posted November 3, 2017

Scott Ganz, assistant professor in the School of Public Policy, recently co-authored a short article for the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) AEIdeas blog exploring the interest in charitable donations to Hurricane Harvey relief. The article “Who Is Helping after Hurricane Harvey?” was published on September 21 on the AEI website and was co-authored by Alex Brill, a resident fellow at AEI. The School of Public Policy is a unit in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Ganz and Brill analyzed google searches that included terms suggesting an interest in donating to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. They found that public interest in donating to relief efforts spiked in the days immediately following the storm. They also looked at interest in donating to hurricane relief by state and concluded that, “states with higher median household incomes were more likely to donate” and that “states with a higher proportion of elderly people and a population that is generally more religiously observant were more likely to give.”

To read the full article, visit the AEI(link is external) website.

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Rebecca Keane
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