Call for presentations and essays from Ivan Allen College Graduate Students

Posted November 1, 2019


In association with the Career Research and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC)

Sponsored by the Graduate Student Government Association


Who can submit? Graduate students enrolled in Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts graduate courses are eligible to submit abstracts to present papers at the eighth annual IAC graduate student conference, scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2020, 9am-5pm, in Room 102 of the Stephen C. Hall Building (215 Bobby Dodd), and/or present posters at the Career Research and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC) poster sessions, panels, and award ceremony on January 27-28, 2020, in the Global Learning Center.

Who can attend the conferences? All faculty, staff, and students at Georgia Tech and guests are welcome to attend the IAC Graduate Student Paper Conference on January 31, 2020, and the CRIDC poster/panel/award sessions January 27-28, 2020.

Where do I submit an abstract for the CRIDC poster presentation?

Submit a 250-word poster abstract for 2020 CRIDC conference by December 2, 2019: Details at CRIDC website is external)

When are abstracts for IAC paper presentations due? Deadline: December 3, 2019

Graduate students can submit 200-250-word abstracts of presentations for the IAC Graduate Student conference on Friday, January 31, 2020, to Grace Halverson ( sends email)). Email name, email address, title of presentation, and 200-250-word description; use subject heading “2020 IAC Grad Conference Abstract.”

When are full (15-page) papers competing for IAC essay prizes due? Deadline: January 1, 2020

Between December 3, 2019, and January 1, 2020, graduate students enrolled in Ivan Allen College programs who have submitted abstracts can submit complete papers as pdf or Word attachments. The maximum number of pages for each paper (including argument, notes, figures, and bibliography) is 15 pages. Papers submitted by January 1, 2020, will be judged by Ivan Allen College faculty. Submit papers to Grace Halverson ( sends email)). Use subject heading “2020 IAC Graduate Essay Competition.”

What is the format for the January 31st IAC Graduate Student Conference?

Presentations (based on abstracts submitted by December 3rd), will be scheduled by the Ivan Allen College Graduate Student Advisory Board as papers on panels OR as roundtable presentations during the January 31, 2020, conference. Graduate students can volunteer as session chairs and/or respondents to Presenters who have professional obligations that prevent their attending the conference may record their papers in advance.

When is the CRIDC Awards Ceremony? Authors of the top three papers submitted by January 1, 2020, will each receive up to $1500 in travel funds awarded by Dr. John Tone, Dean of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, at the CRIDC awards ceremony. Honorable mention awards will also be presented.


  • December 2, 2019: Abstracts for SGA poster presentation due: is external)
  • Tuesday, December 3, 2019: Abstracts (250 words) submitted to Grace Halverson (
  • Monday, January 1, 2020: 10-15-page essays from IAC students due to Grace Halverson (
  • Monday, January 27 & Tuesday, January 28, 2020: CRIDC Poster Sessions, Breakout Sessions, and Awards Ceremony, Georgia Tech Student Center
  • Friday, January 31, 2020: Panelists & roundtable speakers present papers at IAC Graduate Student Conference, Hall 102

Questions?  Carol Colatrella: sends email) 



Contact For More Information

Carol Colatrella (