What Happens to Social Justice and Culture on Twitter With Elon Musk at the Helm?

Posted April 26, 2022

External Article: The Philadelphia Inquirer

André Brock, associate professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, was quoted in the article, 'What Happens to Social Justice and Culture on Twitter With Elon Musk at the Helm?' posted on April 26, 2022 on The Philadelphia Inquirer.

An excerpt:

Twitter’s technology allows us to have multiple conversations at a time, thread conversations, and quote tweets. (Musk says he plans to make that better by adding an edit button and to be more transparent about the algorithms that determine what you see on your Twitter feed.) That is what makes Twitter such a force within the culture, Brock said in a tweet thread.

“Collectively we can be heard,” Brock said to me. “I’m not willing to give that up without a fight.”

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Andre Brock