

Our people engender the values of the College and our threefold mission of research, education, and service. We strive towards excellence in each of these endeavors, to make the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts a "jewel" in the Georgia Tech crown, and to serve as compassionate citizens.


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Dean and Associate Deans

Chairs of the six schools within the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts

Leadership of the three Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) housed within the Ivan Allen College

Faculty and Staff

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More than one-hundred and forty tenured, tenure-track, and permanent research faculty teach and conduct boundary-breaking interdisciplinary research. Many are internationally recognized as leaders in their fields. They hold distinguished Ph.D.s. Many hold civic and academic appointments and serve on influential boards and as editors of top academic journals.

Staff within the College and its units are accomplished professionals who are dedicated to moving forward the goals and enterprises of the College. A number of our staff hold advanced degrees, teach, and hold fellowships.

In addition to our permanent faculty, we employ a stellar roster of adjunct and affiliated faculty and instructors. Among these are professionals, academics professionals, and the Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Brittain Fellows(link is external) who teach English and Writing and Communication.