David J. Shook

Associate Professor Emeritus of Spanish

Member Of:
  • School of Modern Languages
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David J. Shook was an associate professor of Spanish. He served twice as interim chair of the School of Modern Languages from 2013-16 and 2021-23. He additionally served as associate dean for undergraduate studies at Ivan Allen College from 2019-21. In his 34 years at Georgia Tech, he served for many years as associate chair, director of undergraduate studies, and coordinator of the first-year Spanish programs in the School of Modern Languages. For eight years, he was the coordinator for the TA development programs in the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech.

Shook received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, in Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education. He was named a Lilly Teaching Fellow in 1992 and "Professor of the Year" by the Georgia AATSP in 1996. His research interests lie in language program development, teaching methodology, grammar acquisition through reading, the use of literature for language acquisition, and the zombie trope in Hispanic literature and language acquisition. His research papers appeared in national journals and he presented papers at local and national conferences. 

  • Ph.D. University of Illinoins (Urbana/Champaign) Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education 1990
  • M.A. University of Georgia Hispanic Linguistics
  • B.A. Luther College Spanish and Management
Areas of
  • Curriculum Development
  • Foreign Language Education
  • Foreign Language Reading
  • Zombies In Contemporary US And Hispanic Cultures