David J. Shook
Associate Professor Emeritus of Spanish
David J. Shook was an associate professor of Spanish. He served twice as interim chair of the School of Modern Languages from 2013-16 and 2021-23. He additionally served as associate dean for undergraduate studies at Ivan Allen College from 2019-21. In his 34 years at Georgia Tech, he served for many years as associate chair, director of undergraduate studies, and coordinator of the first-year Spanish programs in the School of Modern Languages. For eight years, he was the coordinator for the TA development programs in the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech.
Shook received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, in Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education. He was named a Lilly Teaching Fellow in 1992 and "Professor of the Year" by the Georgia AATSP in 1996. His research interests lie in language program development, teaching methodology, grammar acquisition through reading, the use of literature for language acquisition, and the zombie trope in Hispanic literature and language acquisition. His research papers appeared in national journals and he presented papers at local and national conferences.
- Ph.D. University of Illinoins (Urbana/Champaign) Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education 1990
- M.A. University of Georgia Hispanic Linguistics
- B.A. Luther College Spanish and Management
- Curriculum Development
- Foreign Language Education
- Foreign Language Reading
- Zombies In Contemporary US And Hispanic Cultures
- Applied, Cognitive and Socio-Cultural Linguistics
- Instructional Technologies for Foreign Language Acquisition
- Pedagogy and Curriculum Development
- Spanish
- United States
- Global Marketplace for Students
- Grammar
- Interdisciplinary Learning and Partnering
- Language Acquisition
- Language and Popular Culture
- Perspectives on technology
- FREN-3692: French LBAT II
- SPAN-1001: Elementary Spanish I
- SPAN-1002: Elementary Spanish II
- SPAN-1101: Patterns of Spanish I
- SPAN-1102: Patterns of Spanish II
- SPAN-1813: Special Topics
- SPAN-2001: Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN-2002: Intermediate Spanish II
- SPAN-2813: Special Topics
- SPAN-3040: Pract. App. Span Grammar
- SPAN-3050: Intro-Read Hispanic Lit
- SPAN-3064: Medical Spanish
- SPAN-3101: Conversation I
- SPAN-4695: Spanish Internship
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
- Theory construction in second language acquisition
Date: 2006
View All Details about Theory construction in second language acquisition
- Quiosco
- The work at hand: the successful integration of foreign-language programs in a STEM-oriented academic environment.
- First-year Spanish textbooks: Towards connecting students, professional goals, language and culture
- First-year Spanish textbooks: Towards connecting students, professional goals, language and culture
All Publications
- Instructor's Resource Manual for Conexiones
Date: December 2001
View All Details about Instructor's Resource Manual for Conexiones
- Workbook to Accompany Temas
Journal Articles
- Theory construction in second language acquisition
Date: 2006
View All Details about Theory construction in second language acquisition
- Quiosco
- Quiosco
- Quiosco workbook.
- The Practice of Quality Instruction: Review of Mastering the Techniques of Teaching, Lowman, Joseph. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1995 (2nd edition).ISBN 0-7879-0127-X
- The Practice of Instruction and Ethics. Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers, Seebauer, Edmund G. and Robert L. Barry, New York: Oxford University Press. 2001. ISBN 0-19-513488-5
- The Practice of Teaching Large Classes: Review of Teaching Large Classes, Gedalof, Allan J., Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education(1998)ISBN 0-7703-8464-1
- TA Web—Making ‘IT’ work for TA training
- The Practice of Mentoring. Advisor, Teacher, Role Model, Friend: On being a mentor to students in science and engineering. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press (1997) ISBN 0-309-06363
- The Scholarship of Mentoring. Mentor in Manual, Schoenfield, A.Clay & Magnan, Robert, Magna PUblications (2nd ed. 1994) ISBN 0-912150-35-1
- The Practice of Teaching. More Quick Hits: Successful Strategies by Award-Winning Teachers, Eds. Stocking et. al., Indiana University Press, (1999) ISBN 0-253-21238-3
- The Practice of Teaching. The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approach, Grunert, Judith, Anker Publishing (1997) ISBN 1-882982-18-5
- The Scholarship of Teaching. Advice for New Faculty Members: Nihil Nimus, Boice, Robert, Allyn and Bacon (2000) ISBN 0-205-28159-1
- The Scholarship of Teaching. To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organization Development, Eds. Kaplan and Lieberman, Anker Publishing, (1998) ISBN 1-882982-31-2
- A touch of ... class!
Date: 1998
- What FL reading recalls reveal about the input-to-intake phenomenon
In: Applied Language Learning [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1998
Given the traditional ‘Skills” focus of beginning and intermediate foreign language classes, college FL students typically receive little exposure to literary works until their “advanced" levels of language study. This article, by examining the nature of literature and by surveying how current textbooks guide beginning learners to access literary works, explores the potential learner benefits of early exposure to literature and suggests instructional guidelines for effective literature study at the beginning level.View All Details about What FL reading recalls reveal about the input-to-intake phenomenon
- Identifying and Overcoming Possible Mismatches in the Beginning Reader-Literary Text Interaction
In: Hispania [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 1997
By definition, beginning foreign language learner-readers lack linguistic knowledge and/or cultural knowledge inherently assumed in foreign language literary texts. Such gaps in information may result in possible "mismatches" between the interaction between beginning learner-readers' linguistic knowledge of Spanish, their Hispanic cultural knowledge, and the linguistic and cultural knowledge assumed in a Spanish-language literary text. To preclude problems of comprehension problems, a strategic orientation to the development of reading tasks can enhance the interaction of beginning learner-readers with Spanish-language literary texts. - Foreign language literature and the beginning learner-reader
Date: 1996
View All Details about Foreign language literature and the beginning learner-reader
- Teaching culture in a North American context: Reading authentic texts in Spanish
In: Mosaic [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1996
- FL/L2 reading, grammatical information, and the input-to-intake phenomenon
In: Applied Language Learning [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1994
View All Details about FL/L2 reading, grammatical information, and the input-to-intake phenomenon
- Language teachers and the Internet
- The work at hand: the successful integration of foreign-language programs in a STEM-oriented academic environment.
- First-year Spanish textbooks: Towards connecting students, professional goals, language and culture
- First-year Spanish textbooks: Towards connecting students, professional goals, language and culture
- Student Investigations of Cultural Identity in the Foreign Language Classroom
- Accessing cultural and linguistic input from foreign language literary texts in the beginning language classroom