Katja Weber
- Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Katja Weber (PhD, University of California, Los Angeles) is Professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech. Her research interests center around institution-building in Europe and Asia Pacific, sovereignty-related and human rights norms, non-traditional security challenges, and German foreign policy. She is the author of Hierarchy Amidst Anarchy: Transaction Costs and Institutional Choice (SUNY Press, 2000), co-author (with Paul Kowert) of Cultures of Order: Leadership, Language, and Social Reconstruction in Germany and Japan, (SUNY Press, 2007), and co-editor (with Michael Baun and Michael Smith) of Governing Europe's Neighborhood: Partners or Periphery? (Manchester University Press, 2007). She has also published a number of articles in the Journal of European Integration, Journal of European Public Policy, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Politics, International Affairs, to name but a few, and has received research support from the SSRC Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation/Ford Foundation, the American Political Science Foundation, and the European Commission, among others. During the fall of 2008 she was a Visiting Research Scholar at the Graduate School of Law & Politics at the University of Tokyo, and in fall 2010 she was a Visiting Fellow at the EU Center at the National University of Singapore/Nanyang Technological University.
She also directs the Southeast Asia Summer Study Abroad Program.
- Human Security
- Institution Building In Europe & Asia Pacific
- International Relations Theory
- Reconciliation
- Globalization: Political Economy and Governance
- International Security Policy
- Regional Security Challenges
- Asia (East)
- Europe
- United States
- International Development
- Regional Development
- Cross-Cultural Understanding
- Institution-Building
- Non-Traditional Security Challenges
- INTA-2001: Careers In Intl Affairs
- INTA-2100: Great Power Relations
- INTA-2221: Politics of the EU
- INTA-3031: Human Rights
- INTA-3101: Int'l Institutions
- INTA-3120: European Security Issues
- INTA-3131: Pacific Security Issues
- INTA-4050: Int'l Affair&Tech Policy
- INTA-4121: Sem Europe-Euro Security
- INTA-4400: Int'l Strategy & Policy
- INTA-4500: INTA Pro-Seminar
- INTA-4803: Special Topics
- INTA-6102: Intl Relations Theory
- INTA-6105: Intl Institutional Dsgn
- INTA-6121: Sem in Europe: Euro Sec
- INTA-6131: Pacific Security Issues
- INTA-6753: Comp Science&Tech Policy
- INTA-8010: IAST Ph.D. Proseminar
- INTA-8803: Special Topics
- INTA-8833: Special Topics
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
- “Globalization, De-Globalization and Human Security: The Case of Myanmar” (co-authored with Jarrod Hayes)
In: International Affairs [special issue on De-Globalization? The Future of the Liberal International Order] [Peer Reviewed]
Date: September 2021
- “Myanmar: “Promoting Reconciliation Between the Rohingya Muslims and Buddhists of Rakhine State”
In: Social Justice [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2018
- “Trump’s America in the Indo-Pacific: Southeast Asians Coping with Harsh Realities and Trying to Come Out Ahead”
In: Tsuneo Akaha and Jingdong Yuan, eds., Trump’s America in the Indo-Pacific [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2021
- “EU-ASEAN Relations: What Lies Ahead”?
In: Bibek Chand and Lukas Danner, eds.,The Rising Importance of Euro-Asian Relations: New Challenges and Opportunities [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2020
View All Details about “EU-ASEAN Relations: What Lies Ahead”?
- The EU, China and Southeast Asia: Dichotomous Views on Dealing with Human Security
All Publications
- Cultures of Order: Leadership, Language, and Social Reconstruction in Germany and Japan,
- Governing Europe's Neighborhood: Partners or Periphery?
- Hierarchy Amidst Anarchy: Transaction Costs and Institutional Choice
Journal Articles
- “Globalization, De-Globalization and Human Security: The Case of Myanmar” (co-authored with Jarrod Hayes)
In: International Affairs [special issue on De-Globalization? The Future of the Liberal International Order] [Peer Reviewed]
Date: September 2021
- “Myanmar: “Promoting Reconciliation Between the Rohingya Muslims and Buddhists of Rakhine State”
In: Social Justice [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2018
- Recalibrating Sovereignty-Related Norms: Europe, Asia and Non-Traditional Security Challenges
In: Journal of European Integration [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2013
- East Asian Security Revisited in Light of the European Experience
In: ISSUES & STUDIES [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2010
View All Details about East Asian Security Revisited in Light of the European Experience
- German Unification 1815-1871 and its Relevance for Integration Theory
In: Journal of European Integration [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2002
View All Details about German Unification 1815-1871 and its Relevance for Integration Theory
- Explaining Variation in Institutional Integration in the European Union: Why Firms May Prefer European Solutions
In: Journal of European Public Policy [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2001
- "Das Neue Europa/The New Europe: A Cross-Disciplinary, Multi-Media Based Course
In: Journal of Language for International Business, [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2000
- International Cooperation Revisited: Transaction Costs, the Swiss Confederation of 1815, and Beyond,
In: Southeastern Political Review [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2000
- Hierarchy Amidst Anarchy: A Transaction Costs Approach To International Security Cooperation,
In: International Studies Quarterly [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1997
- “Trump’s America in the Indo-Pacific: Southeast Asians Coping with Harsh Realities and Trying to Come Out Ahead”
In: Tsuneo Akaha and Jingdong Yuan, eds., Trump’s America in the Indo-Pacific [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2021
- “EU-ASEAN Relations: What Lies Ahead”?
In: Bibek Chand and Lukas Danner, eds.,The Rising Importance of Euro-Asian Relations: New Challenges and Opportunities [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2020
View All Details about “EU-ASEAN Relations: What Lies Ahead”?
- The EU, China and Southeast Asia: Dichotomous Views on Dealing with Human Security
- Short- and Long-Term Implications of TTIP for Southeast Asia
Date: 2014
"This volume studies the plan of the TTIP in depth and points out the impact on other regions of the world. It also discusses similar alliances made by the two partners."--page 4 of coverView All Details about Short- and Long-Term Implications of TTIP for Southeast Asia
- The ASEAN Regional Forum and the EU’s Role in Promoting Security in Asia Pacific,
- Lessons From the ASEAN Regional Forum: Transcending the Image of Paper Tiger?
- Greater China and Its Neighbors in Comparative Perspective: Lessons from Europe?
- European Security Integration: Lessons for East Asia
- Conclusion: ENP and External Governance in Theory and Practice
- Governance Theories, Regional Integration, and EU Foreign Policy"
- Language, Agency, and Foreign Policy: The Divergent Weltanschauungen of Adenauer and Schumacher,
- European Integration Revisited
Working Papers
- Investing in Europe's Future: Institutionalizing the Ailing Bear
- The Atlantic Alliance: Business As Usual?"
- Varying Degrees of Institutionalization in the European Union: Going Beyond the Neofunctionalist/Intergovernmentalist Debate,
- Institutional Choice in International Politics: A Glimpse at European Union Members' Industrial Policies
Other Publications
- ASEAN: A Prime Example of Regionalism in Southeast Asia
In: European Union Miami Analysis (EUMA)
Date: 2009
View All Details about ASEAN: A Prime Example of Regionalism in Southeast Asia
- Is the Grass Always Greener in Europe? The Triumph of Reason Over Emotion,
In: EUSA Review
Date: 2009
View All Details about Is the Grass Always Greener in Europe? The Triumph of Reason Over Emotion,
- Time for East Asians to Move On
- Book Review of Alexander Cooley, Logics of Hierarchy: The Organization of Empires, States, and Military Occupations
In: Political Science Quarterly
Date: 2006
- Book Review of Jolyon Howorth and John Keeler (eds.), Defending Europe: The EU, NATO, and the Quest for European Autonomy
- European Security: An Exercise in Bargaining?"
- Teaching the EU Across Disciplines
- Book Review of George M. Downs (ed.), Collective Security Beyond the Cold War
In: Journal of Politics
Date: 1995
View All Details about Book Review of George M. Downs (ed.), Collective Security Beyond the Cold War