Dina Khapaeva
Director of Russian Program, Professor of Russian
- School of Modern Languages
Dr. Dina Khapaeva is Professor at the School of Modern Languages, the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research comprises Russian studies, death studies, cultural studies, historical memory, and intellectual history. Dr. Khapaeva authored six monographs, including The Celebration of Death in Contemporary Culture (The University of Michigan Press, 2017 (Russian translation «Занимательная смерть: развлечения эпохи антигуманизма», The New Literary Observer, 2020), Nightmares: From Literary Experiments to Cultural Project (Brill, 2013), Portrait critique de la Russie: Essais sur la société gothique (Les éditions de Aube, 2012). Her books were reviewed by Cultural Critique, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Slavic Review, Slavic and East European Journal, The Russian Review, The Slavonic and East European Review, Journal of Russian Communications, The New Literary Observer, The Polish Review, among others. Her numerous articles have appeared in journals including Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Social Research, Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Le Débat, Merkur, Social Sciences Information, The South Atlantic Quarterly, Russian Literature. In 2016, she received an Invited Professorship at the Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris.
- Literary and Cultural Studies
- Russian
- History and Memory
- Language and Popular Culture
- Literature
- LMC-2823: Special Topics-Lit/Cult
- LMC-3202: Studies in Fiction
- RUSS-1250: Vampires International
- RUSS-1813: Special Topics
- RUSS-2001: Intermediate Russian I
- RUSS-3001: Advanced Russian I
- RUSS-3002: Advanced Russian II
- RUSS-3005: Russian for Herit Spkrs
- RUSS-3222: Russ 20th Cent Lit&Film
- RUSS-4300: Imperial Imagination
- RUSS-4500: Intercultural Seminar
- RUSS-6500: Intercultural Seminar
- RUSS-8803: Special Topics
- RUSS-8804: Special Topics
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
- “Trendy Monsters: The Nazis, the Perpetrator Turn, and Popular Culture”
In: New German Critique [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2021
Internet Publications
- Felix Groznyi
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: September 2021
- gde tak vol'no dushit chelovek
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: September 2021
- Zarubil okno v Evropu
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: August 2021
- Сажающее средневековье
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: August 2021
All Publications
- Russian translation of The Celebration of Death in Contemporary Culture by Dm. Uskov, L. Zhitkova : Занимательная смерть: развлечения эпохи постгуманизма
In: The New Literary Observer
Date: 2020
- Man-eating Monsters: Anthropocentrism and Popular Culture
In: Emerald Studies in Death and Culture [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2019
- The Celebration of Death in Contemporary Culture
In: The University of Michigan Press [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
The Celebration of Death in Contemporary Culture investigates the emergence and meaning of the cult of death. Over the last three decades, Halloween has grown to rival Christmas in its popularity. Dark tourism has emerged as a rapidly expanding industry. “Corpse chic” and “skull style” have entered mainstream fashion, while elements of gothic, horror, torture porn, and slasher movies have streamed into more conventional genres. Monsters have become pop culture heroes: vampires, zombies, and serial killers now appeal broadly to audiences of all ages. This book breaks new ground by viewing these phenomena as aspects of a single movement and documenting its development in contemporary Western culture.
This book links the mounting demand for images of violent death with dramatic changes in death-related social rituals. It offers a conceptual framework that connects observations of fictional worlds—including The Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries, and the Harry Potter series—with real-world sociocultural practices, analyzing the aesthetic, intellectual, and historical underpinnings of the cult of death. It also places the celebration of death in the context of a longstanding critique of humanism and investigates the role played by 20th-century French theory, posthumanism, transhumanism, and the animal rights movement in shaping the current antihumanist atmosphere.
This timely, thought-provoking book will appeal to scholars of culture, film, literature, anthropology, and American and Russian studies, as well as general readers seeking to understand a defining phenomenon of our age.
“Dina Khapaeva’s book is a striking illustration of what thinking in the humanities can be at its very best. Starting out with the detailed description of a very unlikely situation in our cultural present, i.e. the tension between a general denial of death as existentially inevitable and a ‘neo-gothic’ fascination with death as a multifaceted object of entertainment, she develops a plausible and then increasingly convincing hypothesis. In her reading, this configuration becomes the symptom of a radical and historically new leveling of the traditional hierarchy between humans, animals, and things. I have never followed ‘riskful thinking’ practiced in a more productive way.”
—Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Stanford University
“Khapaeva’s book is a deeply thoughtful, clear account of how our culture deals with death, bringing it up close in new literary, film, ritual, and folk art forms. However disturbed we are, we cannot look away, and Khapaeva asks if we have perhaps slipped too deeply into these new kinds of macabre fascination.”
—Melvin Konner, Emory University
“Taking on the darkest themes of the contemporary nightmarish fascination with death and the undead in Russia and America, Dina Kapaeva moves beyond sociology and psychology to demonstrate how the fictional representations of vampires and other monsters in literature and film undermine central concepts of humanism. Rather than simply a celebration or sublimation of violence, the current cult of death reduces the relevance and centrality of human beings, rationalism, and religion. Lucidly written, her exploration is full of original insights beautifully revealed in investigations of cases from the Twilight Saga to Harry Potter. ”
—Ronald Grigor Suny, University of Michigan
“Khapaeva explores an intriguing issue of Western culture today—namely, the focus in electronic media and popular fiction on non-human figures and the devaluation of humans. She also explores the linked fascination with death, which she associates with ‘a gothic aesthetics,’ a literary tradition that extends back in time over the past two centuries. She has a new view of these developments. She argues that they originate intellectually in a critique of European humanism and the rejection of human exceptionalism. She stresses the key role of French theory in this but also extends her argument to include proponents of animal rights, who put animals on par with humans. She notes the appeal of recently fashionable ideas of posthumanism and transhumanism in this this respect. The book is stimulating and the topics of much current interest, and I expect the book will attract a large intellectual readership. Khapaeva has made an important contribution to the study of contemporary mass culture, to the analysis of attitudes and practices linked to death, and to the comparative study of American and Russian cultures over the past couple of decades. The work speaks to current dilemmas in Russian and American political as well as cultural life.”
—Jeffrey Brooks, Johns Hopkins University
"Why is modern culture, both in Russia and the West, so obsessed with death? Are monster-obsessed fantasies such as the novels about Harry Potter and his Russian imitator, Tanya Grotter, or blockbuster films such as The Night Watch, really so innocent? Dina Khapaeva's fascinating and thought-provoking book asks big questions and offers an exhilarating race through unexpected and instructive areas of modern culture, from thanatotourism to Halloween cookies. The analysis, based on a wide knowledge of contemporary cultural theory and philosophy, is accessible yet original and challenging. An impressive achievement."
Catriona Kelly, Professor of Russian, University of Oxford, New CollegeThe Celebration of Death in Contemporary Culture investigates the emergence and meaning of the cult of death. Over the last three decades, Halloween has grown to rival Christmas in its popularity. Dark tourism has emerged as a rapidly expanding industry. “Corpse chic” and “skull style” have entered mainstream fashion, while elements of gothic, horror, torture porn, and slasher movies have streamed into more conventional genres. Monsters have become pop culture heroes: vampires, zombies, and serial killers now appeal broadly to audiences of all ages. This book breaks new ground by viewing these phenomena as aspects of a single movement and documenting its development in contemporary Western culture.
This book links the mounting demand for images of violent death with dramatic changes in death-related social rituals. It offers a conceptual framework that connects observations of fictional worlds—including The Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries, and the Harry Potter series—with real-world sociocultural practices, analyzing the aesthetic, intellectual, and historical underpinnings of the cult of death. It also places the celebration of death in the context of a longstanding critique of humanism and investigates the role played by 20th-century French theory, posthumanism, transhumanism, and the animal rights movement in shaping the current antihumanist atmosphere.
This timely, thought-provoking book will appeal to scholars of culture, film, literature, anthropology, and American and Russian studies, as well as general readers seeking to understand a defining phenomenon of our age.
“Dina Khapaeva’s book is a striking illustration of what thinking in the humanities can be at its very best. Starting out with the detailed description of a very unlikely situation in our cultural present, i.e. the tension between a general denial of death as existentially inevitable and a ‘neo-gothic’ fascination with death as a multifaceted object of entertainment, she develops a plausible and then increasingly convincing hypothesis. In her reading, this configuration becomes the symptom of a radical and historically new leveling of the traditional hierarchy between humans, animals, and things. I have never followed ‘riskful thinking’ practiced in a more productive way.”
—Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Stanford University
“Khapaeva’s book is a deeply thoughtful, clear account of how our culture deals with death, bringing it up close in new literary, film, ritual, and folk art forms. However disturbed we are, we cannot look away, and Khapaeva asks if we have perhaps slipped too deeply into these new kinds of macabre fascination.”
—Melvin Konner, Emory University
“Taking on the darkest themes of the contemporary nightmarish fascination with death and the undead in Russia and America, Dina Kapaeva moves beyond sociology and psychology to demonstrate how the fictional representations of vampires and other monsters in literature and film undermine central concepts of humanism. Rather than simply a celebration or sublimation of violence, the current cult of death reduces the relevance and centrality of human beings, rationalism, and religion. Lucidly written, her exploration is full of original insights beautifully revealed in investigations of cases from the Twilight Saga to Harry Potter. ”
—Ronald Grigor Suny, University of Michigan
“Khapaeva explores an intriguing issue of Western culture today—namely, the focus in electronic media and popular fiction on non-human figures and the devaluation of humans. She also explores the linked fascination with death, which she associates with ‘a gothic aesthetics,’ a literary tradition that extends back in time over the past two centuries. She has a new view of these developments. She argues that they originate intellectually in a critique of European humanism and the rejection of human exceptionalism. She stresses the key role of French theory in this but also extends her argument to include proponents of animal rights, who put animals on par with humans. She notes the appeal of recently fashionable ideas of posthumanism and transhumanism in this this respect. The book is stimulating and the topics of much current interest, and I expect the book will attract a large intellectual readership. Khapaeva has made an important contribution to the study of contemporary mass culture, to the analysis of attitudes and practices linked to death, and to the comparative study of American and Russian cultures over the past couple of decades. The work speaks to current dilemmas in Russian and American political as well as cultural life.”
—Jeffrey Brooks, Johns Hopkins University
"Why is modern culture, both in Russia and the West, so obsessed with death? Are monster-obsessed fantasies such as the novels about Harry Potter and his Russian imitator, Tanya Grotter, or blockbuster films such as The Night Watch, really so innocent? Dina Khapaeva's fascinating and thought-provoking book asks big questions and offers an exhilarating race through unexpected and instructive areas of modern culture, from thanatotourism to Halloween cookies. The analysis, based on a wide knowledge of contemporary cultural theory and philosophy, is accessible yet original and challenging. An impressive achievement."
Catriona Kelly, Professor of Russian, University of Oxford, New College - Nightmare: From Literary Experiments to Cultural Project, trans. Rosie Tweddly
In: Brill [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2013
Nightmare: From Literary Experiments to Cultural Project, trans. Rosie Tweddly, Brill, 2013, 263 pp.Reviewed in the following journals, The Slavonic and East European Review, (Vol. 92, No. 4 October 2014), Slavic And East European Journal, (Volume 57, Number 1 Spring 2013), The Russian Review, (Volume 72, Issue 4, October 2013), Journal of Russian Communications, (December, 2012), Inostrannaia literatura, (2012, Number 4), Slavic Review, (Vol.70/4, 2011), The New Literary Observer, (2011, vol.108), Znamya, (2011, vol. 5).
- Portrait critique de la Russie: Essais sur la société gothique, Trad. par by Nina Kehayan
Date: 2012
Portrait critique de la Russie: Essais sur la société gothique, Trad. par by Nina Kehayan, Eds. de l’Aube, 2012, 240 pp.
- Nightmare: Literature and Life (Koshmar: literatura i zhizn’)
In: Издательство "Текст"
Date: 2010
Nightmare: Literature and Life (Koshmar: literatura i zhizn’). Moscow: Text, 2010. 365 pp. In Russian.
- Gothic Society: A Morphology of Nightmare (Goticheskoe obshchestvo, Morfologiia Koshmara)
In: The New Literary Observer
Date: 2007
Gothic Society: A Morphology of Nightmare (Goticheskoe obshchestvo, Morfologiia Koshmara). Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2007, 152 pp. 2nd ed., 2008. In Russian.
- Dukes of the Republic in the Age of Translation: Humanities and the Conceptual Revolution
- The Time of Cosmopolitanism: Essays in Intellectual History (Vremia kosmopolitisma. Ocherki intellectual’noi istorii)
- France-Memory (Frantsiia-Pamiat)Russian translation and presentation of selected chapters from Lieux de mémoire, sour la dir. de Pierre Nora, (Paris : Gallimard, 1984-1993), with a preface by Pierre Nora.
In: Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета
Date: 1999
France-Memory (Frantsiia-Pamiat’). Saint-Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Press, 1999. 328 pp.; Russian translation and presentation of selected chapters from Lieux de mémoire (Sour la dir. de Pierre Nora, Paris, Ed. Gallimard, 1984-1993) with preface by Pierre Nora.
Journal Articles
- “Trendy Monsters: The Nazis, the Perpetrator Turn, and Popular Culture”
In: New German Critique [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2021
- “Death as Fan,”
In: “Death Studies, A New Field?,” Guest Editor, The New Literary Observer, vol. 159, 2019
Date: September 2019
- Introduction to a cluster “Russian Gothic,” co-authored with Kevin Platt and Caryl Emerson
In: Russian Literature, 106, May–June 2019
Date: June 2019
- “The Gothic Future of Eurasia,”
In: Guest co-editor with Kevin Platt, and Caryl Emerson, Russian Literature, 106, 2019 [Peer Reviewed]
Date: June 2019
- “Neomedievalism and Restalinization of Russia,”
In: The Private Stock Journal, 2018, vol. 117/1
Date: January 2018
- “Neomedievalism as a Future Society,”
In: The Year’s Work in Medievalism, Richard Utz
Date: October 2017
- “The Slaves of the Imperial Dream,” ("Рабские мечты об имперском величии")
In: The New Literary Observer, 2017/2, № 144
Date: April 2017
- “Triumphant Memory of the Perpetrators: Putin’s Politics of ReStalinization”
In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2016, n. 49 [Peer Reviewed]
Date: May 2016
- “Break of Language: A Russian-French Comparison,”
In: Russian Journal of Communications, December 2011, 94 -113. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: December 2011
- “La société poutinienne: morphologie d'un cauchemar,” Le Débat, n.165, novembre 2011, pp. 40-49.
In: Le Débat
Date: October 2011
- “From A Vampire's Point of View”
In: Kinokultura, April 2011, Issue 32
Date: April 2011
- “Vampire, A Hero of Our Times” (“Vampir, geroi nashego vremeni”)
In: Novoe literaturnoye obozrenie, 2011, vol. 109, 112-134.
Date: March 2011
- Unfinished Experiments with a Reader. N. Gogol. Peterburgskie Povesti,” English translation by Liv Bliss
In: Russian Studies in Literature, vol. 46, no.2 [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2010
- “L’esthétique gothique. Essai de compréhension de la société postsoviétique,” trad. de l’anglais par C. Martin,
In: Le Banquet, no. 26
Date: June 2009
- “Historical Memory in Post-Soviet Gothic Society
In: Social Research, vol. 76, no. 1 [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2009
- “History Without Memory: Gothic Morality in Post-Soviet Society,” translation of “Geschichte ohne Erinnerung. Zur Moral der postsowjetischen Gesellschaft,” Merkur
In: Eurozone, 02/02/2009,
Date: February 2009
- “Geschichte ohne Erinnerung. Zur Moral der postsowjetischen Gesellschaft,”
In: Merkur, 12 /62, December 2008
Date: December 2008
- “Des lois historiques aux lois mémorielles: 19 historiens français pour la liberté de l’histoire,”
In: Le Banquet, 24, 2007
Date: August 2007
- “The Syndrome of Paradigms”
In: South Atlantic Quarterly, no. 105 [Peer Reviewed]
Date: September 2006
- “L’Occident sera demain,”
In: Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, vol. 50, no. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: April 1995
- “La mythologie commune des soviétiques et des soviétologues,”
In: Revue des Etudes Slaves, vol. 65, no. 4, [Peer Reviewed]
Date: April 1993
- “Les demi-dieux de la mythologie soviétique”
In: Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations, vol. 47, no. 4-5, 1992
Date: February 1992
- “Trendy Monsters: The Nazis, the Perpetrator Turn, and Popular Culture,”
In: New German Critique [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 0000
- “Trendy Monsters: The Nazis, the Perpetrator Turn, and Popular Culture”
In: New German Critique, accepted [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 0000
- “As the Whole Civilized World,”
In: Social Sciences Information, vol. 34, no. 4 [Peer Reviewed]
- “Charmed by Stalinism: Russian Mass Historical Consciousness on the eve of the Elections” (“Ocharovannye Stalinismom: rossiiskoe massovoe soznanie nakanune vyborov”)
In: Neprikosnovennyi zapas, 2007, no. 5
- “Geld und die Neue Russische Ethik”
In: 8.Potsdamer Begegnungen. Welsche Werte brauchen unsere Gesellschaften?
- “Gothic Society” (“Goticheskoe obshchestvo”)
In: Kriticheskaya massa, no. 1
- “Just Business, Nothing Personal: On Discussions in the Social Sciences”
In: Anthropological Forum, no. 10,
- “L’Occident dans l’imaginaire russe,”
In: Social Sciences Information, vol. 33, no. 1, [Peer Reviewed]
- “Killing Humanity: Anthropocentrism and Apocalypse,”
In: The Age of Spectacular Death, Michael Hviid Jacobsen (ed.) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: December 2020
- “Paradoxes of October,”
In: Legacies of Revolution. Peter Furtado (ed.)
Date: October 2020
- Introduction: “Food for Monsters: Popular Culture and Our Basic Food Taboo,”
In: Man-eating Monsters: Anthropocentrism and Popular Culture, Dina Khapaeva (ed.) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2019
- “Eaten in Jurassic World: Antihumanism and Popular Culture,”
In: Man-eating Monsters: Anthropocentrism and Popular Culture, Dina Khapaeva (ed.) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2019
- “Dialog or Senseless Sound? Problems of Bakhtin’s Readings of Dostoevsky,”
In: Festschrift for Mikhail Epstein, Marc Lipovetsky (ed.)
Date: April 2019
- Becoming Nonhuman on Planet of Apes: The Death Turn in Popular Culture
In: Becoming Human: Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art Reader 1, eds. Katerina Gregos, Zane Ozola. Milan, Skira Editore [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2019
- “The Vampire Boom and Post-Soviet Gothic Aesthetics.”
In: Gothic Topographies: Language, Nation Building and 'race'. Ed. Päivi Mehtonen, Matti Savolainen. Ashgate, 2013 - Literary Collec
Date: September 2013
- “Aegis of Russia”
In: Histories of Nations: How Their Identities Were Forgeded, Ed. P. Furtado, Thames and Hudson, 2011
- “After Intellectuals” (После интеллектуалов)
In: Республика словесности. Франция в мировой интеллектуальной культуре. Сост. С. Зенкин. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2005
- “Moscow: Literary Reality or Nightmare?”
In: Post- Soviet Identities, ed. M. Bassin and C. Kelly, Cambridge University Press, 2012
Internet Publications
- Felix Groznyi
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: September 2021
- gde tak vol'no dushit chelovek
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: September 2021
- Zarubil okno v Evropu
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: August 2021
- Сажающее средневековье
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: August 2021
- Zachistka Pamyati
In: Novaya Gazeta
Date: June 2020
- “The Genesis of The Apocalypse: Movies of 2018,”
In: Discover Society
Date: February 2019
- “Putin and the Apocalypse,”
In: Project Syndicate, 2019, January 29
Date: January 2019
- “Fantastic Beasts and Muggles: Antihumanism in Rowling’s Wizarding World,”
In: Los Angeles Review of Books
Date: December 2018
- « Putin’s Medieval Dreams »
In: Project Syndicate
Date: December 2017
- “Is Russian Citizen a Slave?”
In: polit.ru
Date: January 2012
- “Dina Khapaeva on the cult of death, vampires, zombies and transhumanism”
In: Archeology of Russian Death, №4, 2017.
Date: July 2017
- "Food for Death?" interview on Gefter.ru
In: interview on Gefter.ru
Date: June 2017
- Interview on Book Q&A Deborah Kalb
Date: May 2017
- Interview for a Swedish-Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet (HBL) / Svenska Dagbladet (SvD)
In: Hufvudstadsbladet (HBL) / Svenska Dagbladet (SvD)
Date: April 2015
- “La Russie gothique de Putin”
In: Libération, 2014, October 23
Date: October 2014
- “Dina Khapaeva on the myth of the Second World War in Russia,”
In: Dilema Veche, Romania
Date: June 2012
- Interview by BBC – Russian Radio
Date: May 2010
- TV broadcast “New Middle Ages After Capitalism and Socialism?” TV Channel “Culture," RF
Date: May 2010
- “Is The Commission Against the Falsification of History Needed?” Interview by Radio “Ekho Moskvy”
In: Radio “Ekho Moskvy”
Date: May 2009
- TV broadcast “Gothic”, TV Channel “Culture,” RF
Date: January 2009
- Interview by Victor Shenderovich, On History Textbooks:
In: Radio Liberty
Date: November 2008
- “La Russie de Poutine : l’opposition impossible”
In: Les carnets du monde, Europe 1; 2012, November